合作伙伴中心 REST API 返回包含状态代码的 JSON 对象。 此代码指示请求是成功还是失败的原因。 成功响应 2xx状态代码指示已成功接收、理解和接受客户端的请求。 HTTP 状态代码 以下4xx 和5xx状态代码指示错误: 400:请求错误 401:未授权 403 禁止访问:
然后,软件更新修补程序下载程序组件将更新下载到指定的包源目录。 以下记录在 %TEMP% 目录中PatchDownloader.log: 输出 Trying to connect to the root\SMS namespace on the PS1SITE.CONTOSO.COM machine. Software Updates Patch Downloader Connected to \\PS1SITE.CONTOSO.COM\root\SMS Software Upda...
Welcome messages mustn't trigger every time the user invokes the help command. Help command response must be focused to include a way for the user to access help related to the bot. [Must fix] Welcome messages mustn't trigger with every bot command. This is conside...
Don't miss out on the critical security fixes released by Microsoft to protect devices from dangerous cyberattacks this month. Update your Office software by downloading the security patches released in November 2023.
Använd Microsoft Intune princip för att påskynda installationen av Windows-uppdateringar på hanterade enheter så snart som möjligt.
The key to keeping devices in your environment protected from today’s threats is to patch them as quickly as possible. On the second Tuesday of every month—also known as Update Tuesday, Patch Tuesday, or the “B” release—we release security updates for all Windows endp...
Monthly security update release For many of you, Update Tuesday (also referred to as "Patch Tuesday") is a regular part of Windows servicing for client and server. Published on the second Tuesday of each month, our security update releases are cumulative. That is, they include both new and...
Server Reboot automatically Before the Patch Updates Server reboots every hour! Server Restart Automatically Server service does not start, error 1075 Server service not starting after reboot server service stopped server setup without domain server status, health check up script Server won't boot foll...
used to be. Not long ago, keeping patches straight required a massive spreadsheet, linking each patch to its “MS” number and “q” number, its Microsoft criticality with our corporate priority. Keeping track of which patches superseded other patches consumed at least half a day every month....
Even though UNIX has a strong lead on security problems, NT and IIS seem to be trying hard to make up for lost time. Since its original release in January 1996, for example, IIS 1.0 has had three patches released that fix various security-related problems. Two of these involved a problem...