如果知道密码,但只想更改密码,请转到“account.microsoft.com安全”选项卡,然后选择“更改我的密码”。 如果知道用户名和密码但已停止工作,请阅读我的用户名和密码已停止工作。 1. 选择“忘记了密码?” 如果“输入密码”窗口仍处于打开状态,请选择“忘记密码?
1. Select "Forgot password?" If the "Enter password" window is still open selectForgot password? If not, select Reset password below, enter the username name for the account you’re trying to reset, and selectNext. Reset password 2. Verify your identity ...
6. You should now be able to reset your password. Create a new one and enter it twice to confirm the changes. How to reset your password if you can’t verify your identity Repeat the first three steps described above. When you are on the “Verify your identity page,” click “I don...
Step 5. Then, you need to log into your recovery email address to fetch the security code from there. Once you have the code, key it in the respective field over the Microsoft Account Password Reset interface. Hit "Next" afterwards. ...
重新登录帐户 首先输入工作或学校帐户。 电子邮件地址或用户名: 输入图片中的字符或音频中的单词。*
如果事件來源為 PasswordResetService 展開資料表 代碼名稱或訊息描述 31001PasswordResetStart這個事件表示內部部署服務偵測到源自雲端、針對同盟、傳遞驗證或密碼雜湊同步使用者所提出的密碼重設要求。 這個事件是每個密碼重設回寫作業的第一個事件。 31002PasswordResetSuccess這個事件表示使用者在密碼重設作業期間選取了新的密...
Sign in with your Microsoft 365 admin account to reset passwords for users when you have a Microsoft 365 for business subscription.
若要測試此案例,請使用其中一個合作夥伴使用者前往https://passwordreset.microsoftonline.com。 如果使用者有定義備用電子郵件或驗證電子郵件,密碼重設就會如預期般運作。 注意 若Microsoft 帳戶已獲得您的 Microsoft Entra 租用戶存取權 (例如來自 Hotmail.com、Outlook.com 或其他個人電子郵件地址的帳戶),則無法...
Sign in with your Microsoft 365 admin account to reset passwords for users when you have a Microsoft 365 for business subscription.
You can also reset your password on your Xbox console (below). If you're unable to access any of the contact methods associated with your account(and thus unable to receive the security code required to reset your password), skip to “Recover your Microsoft account online” below. ...