However, I use a VPN connected to my company network. I use SSH to connect to my PC is OK, and I am sure the username and password are correct. please help me. thanks.
再点击正下方的加号,添加一台电脑,在Connection name中填写一个你的电脑爱称,随意即可,在PC name中填写之前IPv4地址,在User name中填写之前的XXX已经有访问权中的用户名,在Password中填写密码,点击右上方的勾保存。
{"__typename":"IdeaTopicMessage","uid":3931664,"subject":"Remote Desktop Not working","id":"message:3931664","revisionNum":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:2036733"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Idea:board:AzureVirtualDesktop"},"conversation":{"__ref"...
We couldn't connect to the remote PC. Make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled. Error code: 0x204... I have tried all versions of the software, gave the program access to everything on my Mac,…
方法/步骤 1 新建windows远程会话需要远程服务器,点击右击【新建会话】2 这里选择最常用的 miscrosoft remote desktop(RDP),也就是远程桌面方式 3 设置账户密码点击找到通用选项,设置远程计算机的IP,端口和账户密码 4 连接远程设置好之后,保存密码。然后点击打开会话即可连接了。5 如果是设置了正确的账号密码,就...
请提供远程 PC 的完全限定名称或 IP 地址,然后重试。)经过排查,安装旧版本Microsoft Remote Desktop后,连接该主机时,macOS会弹窗提示是否允许该APP查找本地网络内的设备,但新版本的远程客户端不知为何没有唤起这个系统弹窗,才导致了新版的远程客户端能正常连接外网或其他网段的设备,而同一内网网段的设备却发现不了,...
Mac OS Big Sur 11.1, I can not access to my remote machine with rdp file. Normally once I trying to connect to remote machine. I just use rdp file and it will automatically login. But this time it not work. It still asking me the password. Which usually does not have ...
Microsoft Remote Desktop远程控制Windows机器时,User account设置分两种情况 如果目标电脑没有登录微软账户: Username:你的机器名和用户名,即PCName\UserName,通过在windows cmd中输入 whoami 可以查看到 Password:即windows用户的密码 如果目标电脑登录了微软账户: ...
Microsoft Remote Desktop远程控制Windows机器时,User account设置分两种情况 如果目标电脑没有登录微软账户: Username:你的机器名和用户名,即PCName\UserName,通过在windows cmd中输入 whoami 可以查看到 Password:即windows用户的密码 如果目标电脑登录了微软账户: ...
这样方便复制或备份,可以将所管理的远程连接信息和配置快速的转移到其他装有 Remote Desktop Connection ...