The rotated text is drawn on the form in the OnPaint event handler.This example sets the DPI to 96, but you should set it to the value appropriate for the target device. The value can be determined by getting the DpiY property of a Graphics object. This code example contains a ...
在Form1_Paint 事件处理程序中,在前面输入的代码下面添加以下代码。 VB 复制 ' Rotate the text 45 degrees. e.Graphics.RotateTransform(45) e.Graphics.DrawString("And exciting too!", aFont, Brushes.Red, _ 100, 0) 按F5 运行程序。您应该看到窗体上显示出旋转文本。后续步骤在本课中,您学习了如何...
下面的代码示例将在窗体的中心沿 45 度方向绘制一个字符串。示例中定义了一个 CreateRotatedFont 方法,该方法通过使用LogFont类,将旋转角度和要旋转的文本用作参数,返回经过旋转的字体。将在OnPaint事件处理程序中在窗体上绘制旋转的文本。 此示例将 DPI 设置为 96,但您应将其设置为适合于目标设备的值。可以通过...
Unleash your inner artist with the Paint app. Create digital masterpieces with precision and the capabilities of AI-powered tools at your fingertips in Windows.
Unleash your inner artist with the Paint app. Create digital masterpieces with precision and the capabilities of AI-powered tools at your fingertips in Windows.
C# Draw a rotated image at its center C# Dynamic delegate for getter and setter of dynamically created class using reflection C# dynamic file directory path C# dynamically inject (and replace) code into an existing method C# edit for only upper case letters and number in a textbox C# Enumerat...
Several Paint formats are also provided for specific transformation types: translate, scale, rotate, or skew, with additional variants of these formats for variations and other options. The PaintComposite table supports alternate compositing and blending modes for two sub-graphs. The PaintColrGlyph ...
public sealed class Graphics : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable, System.Drawing.IDeviceContext繼承 Object MarshalByRefObject Graphics 實作 IDeviceContext IDisposable 範例下列程式代碼範例是設計來搭配 Windows Forms 使用,而且需要 PaintEventArgs 物件。 物件 PaintEventArgs 命名e 為,而且是事件處理程序的參數 Paint。 此...
对象 PaintEventArgs 命名e 为,是事件处理程序的参数 Paint。 此代码执行以下操作:从JPEG 文件创建映像。 该文件名为 SampImag.jpg,位于示例的 文件夹中。 创建绘制图像左上角的点。 使用Graphics 对象将未缩放的图像绘制到屏幕。C# 复制 private void DrawImagePointF(PaintEventArgs e) { // Create image. ...
public void Paint(Graphics graphics) { using(Matrix mx = new Matrix()) { GraphicsState gs = graphics.Save(); if (_rotateAroundCenter) mx.Translate( -_bmp.Width/2, -_bmp.Height/2, MatrixOrder.Append); mx.Rotate(_angle, MatrixOrder.Append); if (_rotateAroundCenter) mx.Translate( _bmp...