(myPen,150,50,200,100);// Create a matrix and rotate it 45 degrees.Matrix myMatrix =newMatrix(); myMatrix.RotateAt(45, rotatePoint, MatrixOrder.Append);// Draw the rectangle to the screen again after applying the// transform.e.Graphics.Transform = myMatrix; e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(my...
A Rectangle rotated 45 degrees about the point (0,0) To apply multiple transforms to a shape (or to any other UI element), use aTransformGroup. For more information about Transform objects and additional examples, seeTransforms. See Also ...
Project the transformed base tile onto the area to paint.Example: Rotate an ImageBrush 45 DegreesThe following example applies a RotateTransform to the RelativeTransform property of an ImageBrush. The RotateTransform object's CenterX and CenterY properties are both set to 0.5, the relative coordinates...
下面的代码示例将在窗体的中心沿 45 度方向绘制一个字符串。示例中定义了一个 CreateRotatedFont 方法,该方法通过使用LogFont类,将旋转角度和要旋转的文本用作参数,返回经过旋转的字体。将在OnPaint事件处理程序中在窗体上绘制旋转的文本。 此示例将 DPI 设置为 96,但您应将其设置为适合于目标设备的值。可以通过...
The .NET Compact Framework provides theLogFontclass for creating rotated text effects. It corresponds to the native Windows CELOGFONT(logical font) structure that you use with theFromLogFontmethod to return aFontobject. Example The following code example draws a string at 45 degrees in the center...
Microsoft Learn Challenge Ce contenu n’est plus mis à jour régulièrement. Veuillez consulter lecycle de vie des produits Microsoftpour obtenir plus d’informations sur le support de ce produit, de ce service, de cette technologie ou cette API....
ImagePaint Insets InsetsF IPattern IPdfPage IPdfRenderService IPicture IPictureReader IPictureWriter IPlatformFonts IShape IStringSizeService ITextAttributes LayoutLine LinearGradientPaint LineCap LineJoin 画图 PaintExtensions PaintGradientStop PaintPattern ...
Microsoft Learn Challenge Taj sadržaj više ne ažuriramo redovito. Informacije o podršci za taj proizvod, servis, tehnologiju ili API potražite u odjeljkuŽivotni ciklus Microsoftova proizvoda. Povratak na glavno web-mjesto Odbaci upozorenje...
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(myPen, 150, 50, 200, 100); // Create a matrix and rotate it 45 degrees. Matrix myMatrix = new Matrix(); myMatrix.RotateAt(45, rotatePoint, MatrixOrder.Append); // Draw the rectangle to the screen again after applying the // transform. e.Graphics.Transform =...
MirrorVertical bool false "false" or "true" Draw output upside down if true. Desaturate bool false "false" or "true" Convert the image to grayscale (black-and-white) if true, allow color if false. Rotate2DA int 0 0 to 359 Amount to rotate output video in degrees.Hue...