Good Day, I'm really struggling with this at the office. It seems that only in Outlook 365 on LAN PCs that sometimes email sending isn't working and messages are getting stuck in the outbox with the error 0x800ccc1a (your server does not support the encryption type specified..). T...
這個問題是由某些損毀的 Outlook 設定檔所造成。 可以嘗試建立新的設定檔來解決問題。徵狀當您嘗試在 Outlook 2010 中傳送或接收電子郵件時,您可能會收到下列其中一則錯誤訊息:0x8004010F:無法存取 Outlook 資料檔案。或0x8004010F:作業失敗。 找不到物件。
删除脱机通讯簿文件夹的内容。 (重新启动 Outlook 时,将重新创建文件夹的内容)。 启动Outlook,然后测试是否通过以通讯组的形式发送电子邮件来解决该问题。 仍然需要帮助? 请转到Microsoft 社区。
當您嘗試使用 POP3 或 IMAP 帳戶從 Microsoft Outlook 傳送電子郵件時,您會收到下列錯誤訊息: 錯誤訊息:0x800CCC80 - 您的伺服器不支援此用戶端所支援的驗證方法。 原因 如果您的 Outlook 電子郵件帳戶未設定為在傳送郵件之前登入傳入伺服器,但您的因特網服務提供者 (ISP) 要求您在透過 S...
When you are using Microsoft Outlook 2010 or Microsoft Outlook 2013, you receive the following error in the Outlook status bar: Send/Receive Error When you select the error, the Outlook Send/Receive Progress dialog opens and displays one or more of the following errors: Task 'SharePoint' rep...
Outlook error when sending email from shared mailbox or from a user who has full access to a mailbox.This is the error users keep receiving when trying to send email from someone mailbox that they have full access to. They can read emails file just sending is a problem.Error is [0x...
了解如何取消阻止 帐户。如果无法登录到帐户,请使用 Microsoft 帐户登录帮助程序。如果邮件的附件大于25 MB , Outlook 无法发送邮件。 提示: 另请参阅无法在 中附加文件。检查“其他”选项卡,确保没有筛选器阻止你查看所有邮件。检查垃圾邮件Email设置和垃圾邮件Email 文件夹。 如果某些邮件不...
If Outlook is in use by another process, this information is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. If you try to perform other actions while Outlook is in use, Outlook may not respond. Let the task in process finish its job before you try another action...
I also use a gmail mailbox in Outlook. I just tried sending from that, and it works fine. The three other email accounts I use are all hotmail ones and it is those that crash Outlook when I try to send. elainemaul replied toterribz ...
1、欢迎使用Outlook 2013 :在开始程序里面找到并运行Outlook 2013(如果没有安装Microsoft Outlook 2013 ,请先安装),单击“下一步”。2、添加电子邮件帐户:选择“是”,单击“下一步。3、自动账户设置:选择“手动设置或其它服务器类型”,单击“下一步”。4、选择服务:选择“POP或IMAP”,单击“...