在Outlook 2010/2013中打开/关闭RSS源 您可以按照以下步骤在Microsoft Outlook 2010和2013中打开或关闭RSS源。 步骤1:点击文件>附加选项. 步骤2:在“ Outlook选项”对话框中,单击高级在左侧栏中。 步骤3:进入RSS订阅部分: 要关闭RSS Feed,请取消选中任何更新的RSS Feed项都显示为新选项,然后取消选中在Windows中将R...
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) provides a quick way to read the latest updates from your favorite websites. Many websites offer RSS Feeds so that when a news article or a summary of an article is posted, it's also sent to your RSS Feed folder in Outlook. If you've added an RSS Fee...
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) provides a quick way to read the latest updates from your favorite websites. Many websites offer RSS Feeds so that when a news article or a summary of an article is posted, it's also sent to your RSS Feed folder in Outlook. If you've added an RSS Fee...
RSS-feeds U ziet dit onderwerp omdat voor deze map een startpagina is ingesteld. Voer de volgende stappen uit om deze pagina te verbergen en uw map weer te geven: Klik met de rechtermuisknop op de mapRSS-feedsin de mappenlijst. KiesEigenschappen>Startpagina. Schakel het selectievakjeS...
In Outlook 2007 Problem Consider the following scenario. When a user signs in to Microsoft 365 on a new computer, the user's RSS feeds are transferred to the new computer. Additionally, the RSS feeds that are already on the new computer are also added to the user's account. If a second...
One of my customer and several others, have subscribed to RSS Feeds with Outlook 2007. It was working fine and all of a sudden it showing the error mark in the status bar. For example, whenever we make aSend/Receive,we get error mark in the status bar saying that “Task ‘RSS ...
此示例只能在 Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 中运行。 本示例演示如何使用 Microsoft Office Outlook 窗体区域显示来自 RSS 源的文章的完整内容。Outlook 通常只显示标题新闻。 在阅读窗格中查看某个 RSS 项时,一个相邻的窗体区域会追加到该项的底部。 在Outlook 检查器中查看 RSS 项时,一个单独的窗体区域会作为单...
In most cases, you don’t need to change where RSS Feeds are saved. However, one scenario where you might consider changing the location is when you are using a Microsoft Exchange Server account and your mailbox has a small storage limit. By saving RSS Feeds to an Outlook Data File...
an RSS reader, where you might already manage subscriptions to other types of information, such as headlines from news or blog sites. There are several types of RSS readers, including stand-alone readers, browsers such as Windows Internet Explorer, and e-mail programs such as Microsoft Outlook....
在Microsoft Outlook 中,您可以共享和订阅各种联机资源,其中包括:webcal 日历 (webcal:// mysite/ mycalendar) rss 源 (feed:// mysite/ myfeed) sharePoint Foundation 文件夹 (stssync:// myfolder/ ) Exchange 文件夹 还可以通过提供对日历文件夹的直接访问,或者通过将日...