没有帐户?立即创建一个! 下一个 登录选项
配置文件包括帐户、数据文件,以及指定将电子邮件保存在何处的设置。若要创建新配置文件,请使用配置文件选取器:启动Outlook 时按住 Shift。提示: 还可以使用以下备用选项之一来访问配置文件选取器:使用命令行开关,右键单击“Windows 开始”按钮,然后选择“ 运行”。在“运行”对话框中,键入: Outlook.exe /profiles ,然...
You can run these PowerShell commands on your PC to reconfigure the application. Before you take these steps, remember your sign in credentials to Outlook as you may be prompted to sign back in. Also, you'll need administrator privileges. After run...
如果沒有使用 OCT SP1 版本,則必須建立 .prf 檔案並設定屬性 BackupProfile=False 和 UniqueService=Yes。如需此作業的執行步驟,請參閱使用自訂 MSP 升級舊版 Office 之後,已有 Outlook 設定檔的 Outlook 2010 中會建立多個 Exchange 帳戶 (可能為英文網頁) (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=199704&...
在Outlook 中,依序移至 [ 檔案] 索引 卷標、[ 選項] 和[ 進階]。 在[ 其他] 底下,選取或清除 [ 啟用疑難解答記錄 ] 複選框 (這需要 Outlook 重新啟動) 。 選取[確定 ],然後重新啟動 Outlook。如果您要針對建立新設定檔的設定檔進行疑難解答,您可以透過登錄啟用記錄:...
Use the Outlook profile of the selected worker. Use current profile This control is available only if AX 2012 R3 CU8 or later is installed. Use the Outlook or Exchange Server profile of the selected worker. Pick contact Microsoft Outlook folder ...
When you configure Office Outlook 2007 profile settings in the OCT, a profile descriptor file (.prf) is actually generated and included in the Setup customization file (.msp) used in the deployment. If you use the new Default e-mail account setting in the OCT, a new line with DefaultAccoun...
Outlook Profile Generator 2.0 [Homepage] - by:IntelliNavigator, Inc-Download Click to enlarge Description: The IntelliAdmin Profile Generator is a command line program that can be called from your logon script. It creates an Microsoft Exchange® Profile automatically so you ...
Hello everyone!I'm having trouble adding a new IMAP profile to Outlook 2016. I've tried using PRF files, registry edits, and PowerShell scripts, but nothing...
每次Outlook 启动时,系统都会提示输入密码,即使启用了“记住我的凭据”选项。 启动Outlook 时,它无法连接,并在状态栏中显示“需要密码”。 选择“需要密码”时,会收到以下消息: 管理员已禁用此功能。 尝试新建 Outlook 配置文件时,会收到以下错误消息: