步骤2:确保 Outlook 当前未处理大型或冗长进程 如果尝试同时删除或移动大量邮件,Outlook 可能会冻结,但实际上,它正在后台运行。 查看屏幕底部的状态栏。 如果 Outlook 同时在对数百或数千封邮件执行某些操作,则可能看起来处于卡住状态。 留给 Outlook 几分钟时间来完成此过程,随...
在Outlook 中選取[檔案]>[選項],然後選取 [附加元件]。 按下對話方塊底部的 [前往...]按鈕。 向下捲動直到您找到 [Outlook Change Notifier],然後取消核取此方塊。 按下[確定],以確認並關閉對話方塊。 擁有Microsoft Exchange Server 帳戶 如果已啟用 [自動完成] 但仍無法正常運作,則可能是 [RoamCache] ...
Outlook 無法連線到 Exchange Server。 您無法使用功能,例如[不在辦公室]、[會議可用性]、[郵件提示]、[在線封存] 或任何其他依賴自動探索的Web服務功能。 當您開啟 Outlook 時,會收到下列錯誤訊息: Outlook 無法登入。 確認您已連線到網路,並使用適當的伺服器和信箱名稱。 配置檔...
If you set up your notifications in Outlook, but find they're not working, check your status in Teams and check the notification settings in Windows. With new Outlook, system settings can occasionally interfere with notification delivery.
Outlook for Mac 2019 - Search not working :-( Hi there New contributor - I have just upgraded Office 2016 for Mac to Office 2019 for Mac. The Spotlight Search option in Outlook no longer works - I get no results, even when I am looking at an email, and searching for a word or phr...
疑问:换了新电脑后,安装了Outlook 2010,但是这个软件不能正常使用,打开Outlook后,只要一写邮件或者打开邮件,Outlook就弹出窗口说:“Microsoft Outlook has stopped working”,让联机检查问题所在或者重启程序,我试过卸载重装Outlook,问题依旧;新建了配置文件也不行。如何解决?
Thank you so much, Steve Nanfang Is there any reason why you use a POP3 account in Outlook 2016 with Exchange Online instead of using an Exchange account type? Exchange Online no longer supports Basic Auth and that is what you are using when you configure via POP3. Use an Exchange account...
在Microsoft Outlook 的行事歷模組中,以及當您使用排程小幫手時,共用信箱或會議室的某些行事歷會顯示工作時間為灰色背景,而其他行事歷則會將工作時間顯示為白色背景。 當 Outlook 連線到 Microsoft Exchange Server 時,就會發生此問題。 在其他用戶端中,例如 Outlook Web App (OWA) ,所有行事曆的工作時間...
Why Do Hyperlinks Stop Working in Outlook? Over the years, I’ve not found one process that causes Microsoft Outlook links to break. The URL links broke for me the last time after I did a Microsoft Windows update and installed some beta software. Because I didn’t test my Outlook email ...
Outlook: A family of Microsoft email and calendar products. Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.