When a user encounters an error in Outlook Web App, they are shown a "Something went wrong" error page. The date on this error page may be incorrect. The following is an example error message that has an incorrect date: Something went wrong Sorry...
When adding an Outlook account for Microsoft 365 with a custom domain or an Outlook.com account with a personalized email address, you receive the following error: CAUSE This issue occurs because the Autodiscover process that's used by Outlook receives ...
You add the mailbox as an additional Exchange account to your Microsoft Outlook for Microsoft 365 profile. You run a search from that mailbox.In this scenario, you receive an error message that resembles the following:Something went wrong and your search couldn't be completed.It...
Outlook error "Sorry, something went wrong. You may want to try again" One of our users is trying to add a smartsheet calendar to their outlook using the published web URL. When they try to do it, they get this error and the calendar is not ...
Outlook error when starting -"Something went wrong [1200]" Edson Sivieri25Reputation points Dec 27, 2023, 8:23 PM I have a user who is getting this error. I tried to fix it by several ways but nothing happens. Correlation Id: 077c035b-ccc6-44db-812a-c25bf53381b3 ...
Hi, I checked into my email today to find a message "Something went wrong", refresh the application. It would not refresh. There was a list of...
How do I get past a page that says “something went wrong” when trying to access my outlook page? When I refresh the application I’m brought back to this page again Microsoft Authenticator Microsoft Authenticator A Microsoft app for iOS and Android devices that enables authentication with two...
Users who are assigned a custom security role may not be able to access Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. You may also get this error:Sorry, something went wrong while initializing the app To work around this issue, see Sorry something went wrong while initializing the app when accessing the Dyn...
I suppose since the last Windows Update I'm experiencing the following error message when clicking on link in Outlook 2016. I'm aware that resetting the default programs has an impact (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ms...
Cannot create outlook filters Name: CannotCreatePluginInstance Hex: 8004A201 Number: -2147180031 Can not create instance of a plug-in. Verify that plug-in type is not defined as abstract and it has a public constructor supported by Dynamics 365 SDK. Name: CannotCreatePropertyOptionSetItem Hex: ...