and the SSL and port settings for your email account. You can either contact your email provider or, if you're using a popular email service, you can find these settings in thePOP and IMAP email settings for Outlooktopic.
In the Realm field, you must enter the domain name in all uppercase letters, such as ".COM". See also Add an email account to Outlook Exchange account basic settings Exchange account server settings Digital signing and encryption settings ...此值指定基于身份验证模型配置的帐户类型。 值类型:字符串 接受的值:BasicAuth 如果未指定,则为默认值:BasicAuth 必需:否 示例:BasicAuth *Microsoft Intune用户可以使用根据注册用户扩展为正确值的令牌。 有关详细信息,请参阅为托管 iOS 设备添加应用配置策略。
没有帐户?立即创建一个! 下一个 登录选项
The Welcome to Outlook 2019 window appears. Click Next. Enter the email address. Click on Advanced Options. Select the option Let me set up my account manually. Click Connect. The Select Account Type window opens. If you want to set up your email using IMAP (Recommended), select...
对于Microsoft Entra ID Email地址属性,请选择“主SMTP 地址”。 如果要配置 Outlook for iOS 和 Android,以便只能使用工作或学校帐户,请对“仅允许工作或学校帐户”选择“要求”。 此配置仅允许将单个公司帐户添加到 Outlook for iOS 和 Android。 如果要部署常规应用配置设置,请相应地配置所需的设置: 对于“重点...
对于Microsoft Entra ID Email地址属性,请选择“主SMTP 地址”。 如果要配置 Outlook for iOS 和 Android,以便只能使用工作或学校帐户,请对“仅允许工作或学校帐户”选择“要求”。 此配置仅允许将单个公司帐户添加到 Outlook for iOS 和 Android。 如果要部署...
For steps on how to use these settings to set up an initial account or add more accounts in the Outlook 2016 for Mac Accounts box, see Add an email account to Outlook. Use the information in the table below to understand or adjust the settings for your POP...
A Microsoft account does not need a Microsoft emailThe email address used to sign into your Microsoft account can be from,, Gmail, Yahoo, or other providers.Create a Microsoft Account You may already have an accountYou can use an email address, Skype ID, or phone ...
Outlook 的可用帐户设置配置密钥包括: