Outlook for Microsoft 365Outlook 2024Outlook 2021Outlook 2019Outlook 2016Outlook 2013 Get a delivery or read receipt A delivery receipt tells you that an email message was delivered to the recipient's mailbox, but not whether the recipient has seen it or read it....
Outlook for Microsoft 365Outlook 2024Outlook 2021Outlook 2019Outlook 2016Outlook 2013 Get a delivery or read receipt A delivery receipt tells you that an email message was delivered to the recipient's mailbox, but not whether the recipient has seen it or read it. A read receipt tells you that...
In Outlook, compose your message. SelectReceipts>Delivery Receipt. Send your message. Note:If you don't have the Receipts button, you can customize your toolbar to add it. For more information, please go toCustomize your toolbar in Outlook for Mac. ...
webLinkString要在 Outlook 网页版中打开邮件的 URL。 可以将 ispopout 参数附加到此 URL 的末尾以更改邮件的显示方式。 如果 ispopout 不存在或设置为 1,则邮件显示在弹出窗口中。 如果 ispopout 设置为 0,浏览器会显示 Outlook 网页版审阅窗格中的邮件。
WebClientEditFormQueryString 表示要连接到 Outlook Web App 终结点以编辑Outlook Web App中的项的 URL。 ConversationId 包含项目或会话的标识符。 UniqueBody 表示HTML 片段或纯文本,表示此会话的唯一正文。 UID 标识日历项。 RecurrenceId 用于标识定期日历项的特定实例。 DateTimeStamp 指示创建 iCalendar 对...
POST https://outlook.office.com/api/beta/me/messages/{message_id}/createreply 展开表 必需的参数类型说明 URL 参数 message_id 字符串 要回复的消息 ID。 正文参数 Comment 字符串 要包含的注释。可以为空字符串。 消息 消息 在回复消息中要更新的任何可写属性。 备注 你可以指定注释或参数的 正文...
Delivery Receipt DeliveryReceipt email Specify email address for Delivery receipt Content data ContentData True byte Content data Content type ContentType True string Content type File name FileName string File name Content id ContentId string Content id ...
1. Open shared mailbox (ERP) in Outlook 2013. 2. Click File > Options > Mail. 3. In Tracking part, check the following option: For all messages sent, request: Delivery receipt confirming the message was delivered to the recipient’s e-mail server ...
Use of apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, Access, and Publisher in Microsoft 365 Family, Microsoft 365 Personal, and any other Microsoft 365 app or subscription Service is governed by supplemental license terms located at https://aka.ms/useterms together with these Terms....
Recall Report: This report indicates the status of a recall request for a specific recipient. A recall request is when a sender tries to recall a sent message by using Outlook. When a delivery report message is sent to a distribution group, the following settings cause the report message to...