將網路裝置設定為需要 Outlook 與 Exchange Server 2019、2016 或 2013 之間的憑證驗證之後,您會在 Outlook 用戶端中遇到連線失敗。 備註 網路裝置可以是負載平衡器或其他網路裝置,如憑證選取和驗證中所述。 特別是當網路裝置設定為要求用戶端在網路層的 SSL 交握期間出示憑證,而不是直接將流量傳遞...
Error: SSL Certificate Mismatch Applies To Outlook for AndroidOutlook for iOS Your email service provider does not provide the option of logging in using a secure connection for IMAP. In order to establish a secure connection, your email server must provide a certificate to Outlook in order to ...
_autodiscover._tcp.SMTPDomain.com 在下面的示例中,Outlook 客户端可以使用"自动发现"URL 的 A 记录查找自动发现服务,如上表中的步骤 3 中所述: autodiscover.proseware.com但是,正如我们在"原因"部分中提到的那样,此 URL 未在自动发现服务使用的 SSL 证书的 SAN 中列出。例如,请参阅以下屏幕截图:...
4.7.325certificate-host-mismatch: Remote certificate MUST have a common name or subject alternative name that matches the hostname (DANE)如果目的地 SMTP 目標主機的呈現憑證身分識別 (CN 和 SAN) 不符合任何網域或 MX 主機,就會發生這種情況。此訊息通常表示目的地電子郵件伺服器上的問題。 檢查收件者位址...
Microsoft in education Devices for education Microsoft Teams for Education Microsoft 365 Education How to buy for your school Educator training and development Deals for students and parents Azure for students Business Microsoft Cloud Microsoft Security ...
Thanks I must have missed one, they all point to the same, I had some webmail and some webmail19 for the new server they all pointed to the same domain in the wildcard certificate, when I restarted IIS no certificate error. Tuesday, April 2, 2019 1:24 AM ...
當您使用只有 3DES 加密功能的憑證在 Microsoft Outlook 中開啟加密的電子郵件訊息時,您會收到下列錯誤訊息: 基礎安全性系統找不到您的數位識別碼名稱 原因 從Outlook 組建 16.0.8518.1000 開始,Microsoft 已將預設後援演算法從 3DES 升級至 AES256。 在一節所述的問題中,加密的電子郵件訊息會由使用此 ...
what is your outlook version? If this is happening only for outlook 2013, refer to the MS article to resolve this you need to install hotfix- https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3007582/certificate-error-message-when-you-start-outlook- or-create-an-outlook-profile...
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Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate证书过期后(或者证书配置错误、证书不存在),无法登录到Outlook网页版或EAC,如何快速处理。 owa报错例子:ASSERT: HMACProvider.GetCertificates:protectionCertificates.Length<1 异常详细信息: Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExAssertException: ASSERT: HMACProvider.GetCertificates:prot...