If so, please try exiting Outlook desktop client and see if you can open the folder on the web mail.If you are trying to open a shared calendar, please contact the owner of this folder or mailbox to remove and re-grant your the permission and test....
Cannot open Outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your Outlook data file (.ost)". What’s possible issue with share mailbox?
All over sudden my outlook gets stuck during startup loading a profile. It then gives me the error message: Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened. An unexpected error has occurred. When I shut i...
Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronise your folders with your Outlook data file (.ost) does anyone in Microsoft know what this means and how ...
Does it happen to you too, that when you tried to open the Microsoft Outlook window, and an error message “the set of folders cannot be opened in Outlook 2010” and other versions flash up on the screen? If yes, then do not worry. The write-up explains the topmost solutions on how...
使用Outlook 桌面用戶端,將大量使用公用資料夾的內容散發到您在上一個步驟中建立的新公用資料夾。 如果問題在您完成上述步驟之後持續發生,現有的公用資料夾信箱可能會多載,即使它們已負載平衡也一樣。 在此情況下, 請建立其他公用資料夾信箱。 建立公用資料夾信箱之後,系統會自動平衡這些信箱的負載。意...
hi user cannot with outlook connect to exchange 2019 exchange 2019 : cannot start microsoft outlook. cannot open the outlook windows. the set of folders cannot be opened. the attempt to log on to microsot exchange has failed
1.首先设置未读文件视图.如图: 在视图选项卡里点击改变视图, 选择管理视图.2.如图: 创建一个新的视图, 给新视图取一个名字, 比如 "Unread" 并确定.3.如图: 在高级视图设置里点击筛选, 在跳出的界面里点击更多选择选项卡, 勾选筛选条件并选择为未读, 然后一路确定即可.4.上面已经设置完成, 查看...
In this scenario, you cannot open the shared mailbox in Outlook, and you receive the following error message: Cannot expand the folder. The set of folders cannot be opened. Microsoft exchange is not available. Either there are network...
把DC上的CAS卸载并转移到另外一台Exchange Server上之后,Outlook便不能正常打开,会出现如下错误: Cannot open your default e-mail folders. The attempt to log on to Microsoft Exchange has failed. 质问MSDN得到原因如下: 当满足下列条件之一为真时,会出现此问题: ...