登录Outlook.com、Hotmail.com、MSN.com 或 Live.com 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
Crearea, modificarea sau ștergerea unei solicitări de întâlnire sau a unei rezervări din Outlook.com Utilizarea unui calendar de grup în Outlook pentru a planifica și a edita evenimente Importul unui calendar Importul unui calendar sau abonarea la un calendar în Outlook...
With different calendars open, select the arrow on each calendar to overlay them and see when everyone's available. SelectTodayto go back to the current day. Get quick access to your calendar Anywhere in Outlook, hover overCalendaricon to see a quick view of your calendar and scheduled events...
若為Outlook 2007 和較早版本 在[檔案]功能表上,選取 [匯入及匯出]。 選取[匯入 iCalendar 或 vCalendar 檔案 (.vcs)],然後選取 [下一步]。 選取vCalendar 檔案,然後選取 [開啟]。 若為Outlook 2010 在[檔案]索引標籤上,選取 [開啟],然後選取 [匯入]。
登入您的 Outlook.com、Hotmail.com、MSN.com 或 Live.com 帳號。下載免費的桌面和行動應用程式,將您的所有電子郵件帳戶(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)集中一處。
The Calendar Checking Tool for Outlook (CalCheck) is a program that checks the Microsoft Outlook Calendar and items for problems or for potential problems.
當您嘗試關閉 Microsoft Outlook 中的行事曆提醒時,您會發現它們無法關閉或持續出現。 原因 reminders 資料夾或提醒檢視已損毀。 同步衝突也可能會防止 Outlook 關閉提醒。 解決方案 1 使用命令列移除項目: 關閉Outlook。 以滑鼠右鍵按兩下 Windows 中的 [開始] 按鈕,然後選取[執行]。
在此練習中,您將建立 Outlook 增益集,以在工作表中將目前登入的使用者新增以 Microsoft Graph 接收的最近電子郵件清單。 此程式使用單一登入 (SSO) 驗證配置。
Connect and stay organized with your email, calendar, and contacts all in one place with the latest version of Outlook for business.
Outlook for Windows Troubleshooting Authentication Calendaring "Send update" prompt not displayed Attached Outlook items not retained Calendar permissions differences Calendar shows working hours as grey Can't delete calendar items Can't globally disable the birthday calendar Can't send a response to a ...