在Microsoft 365 Outlook、Microsoft Outlook 2016 或 Microsoft Outlook 2013 中,您會遇到下列一或多個徵兆: 未收到新的電子郵件訊息。 當您嘗試傳送電子郵件訊息時,不會傳送電子郵件訊息。 相反地,它會保留在 [Outbox] 中。 當您嘗試使用 IMAP 帳戶設定新的 Outlook 設定檔時,您會收到下列錯誤訊息: ...
Dear Microsoft Folks, I have not received any Outlook emails since 1/30/2021 when my account was hacked by someone in Nigeria (probably not a...
Dear Microsoft Folks, I have notreceived any Outlook emailssince 1/30/2021 when my account was hacked by someone in Nigeria (probably not a Prince). Looks like lots of Outlook users have the same problem based on my reading of the MS Community dialogues. It seems something has been turned...
For the last few months every time I shut Outlook down if I don't wait another 10 mins before shutting laptop down it says it is still open when I go to shut down laptop despite not not appearing as open in task manager. Emails are not coming in and…
Outlook.exe /resetfolders 方法2:使用 Outlook Web App 使用Outlook Web App 重設預設資料夾名稱。 如果要執行這項操作,請依照下列步驟執行: 結束Outlook。 使用您的認證登入Outlook Web App。 選取[設定] (右側齒輪圖示) >[選項>一般] (將瀏覽窗格中的清單展開) >區域和時區。
當您使用 Microsoft Outlook 用戶端連線到 Microsoft Exchange Server 信箱時,您會收到不適合您的電子郵件訊息。 此外,您可能不知道電子郵件訊息的寄件者。 如果發生下列事件,這些非預期的訊息會出現在您的收件匣中: 寄件者不小心將特殊字元新增至訊息中的[寄件人]、[副本] 或 [密件抄送] 字段。 一些特殊字元...
"This message could not be sent. You do not have the permission to send the message on behalf of the specified user.” STATUS: WORKAROUND The Outlook Team is investigating a fix. As a workaround, add the Connected Account as an Outlook.com secondary A...
Outlook 能讓您將所有電子郵件帳戶和行事曆集中在一個方便的位置。無論是要掌握收件匣資訊或是排程下一個重要工作,我們都能讓您輕鬆提高生產力、整理內容以及與他人聯繫。 以下是您會愛上 iOS 版 Outlook 的理由: - 使用智慧型收件匣讓您專注於正確的事物上 - 我們能協
“Microsoft Outlook was not able to create a message with restricted permission.” This issue has been reported starting with Current Channel Version 2402 (Build 17328.20142) and higher. STATUS: FIXED The fix for this issue is first available in the Beta Channel with V...
适用于具有 @outlook.com、@hotmail.com、@live.com 或 @msn.com 帐户的客户的功能。 [3] 可通过 Microsoft 365 订阅获得。 [4] 邮箱存储包括 Outlook.com 电子邮件、附件、日历项目和联系人。单击此处了解详细信息。 [5] 1 个月免费试用结束后,将向你收取适当的订阅费用。需要提供信用卡。可随时取消以避免...