“初始配置任务”应用程序在 Windows Server 2012 中不可用。Microsoft-Windows-OutOfBoxExperience 组件指定有关 Windows Server 2008 R2 和 Windows Server 2008 中最终用户的初始配置任务的详细信息。 若要配置“开箱即用体验”,请参阅主题自动实现 Windows OOBE。
This is the full path to the folder that contains the trace and logs from the manual execution of OOBE. This is a required parameter for analysis.Related topicsResults for the Out of the Box Experience assessmentWindows Assessment Toolkit Technical ReferenceAssessmentsAdditional...
When customers turn on their Windows 11 PCs for the first time, they'll see the Windows Out of Box Experience (OOBE). OOBE is a series of screens that require customers to accept license agreements, connect to the internet, log in with, or sign up for a Microsoft Account...
请改用 outOfBoxExperienceSetting。 属性 展开表 属性类型说明 hidePrivacySettings 布尔值 向用户显示或隐藏隐私设置 hideEULA 布尔值 向用户显示或隐藏 EULA userType windowsUserType 用户类型。 可取值为:administrator、standard、unknownFutureValue。 deviceUsageType windowsDeviceUsageType AAD 联接身份验证类型。
This update improves the Windows 10, version 20H2, 21H2, and 22H2 out-of-box experience (OOBE). This update applies only to the Windows 10 OOBE process and is available only when OOBE updates are installed. This update also addresses a c...
This section documents the functions (and function callback prototypes) used to detect and possibly repair an application after a setup or migration has occurred. These functions can also be used to suspend operations during the volatile setup or migration experience....
Windows 11 users can join new Windows devices to Microsoft Entra ID during the first-run out-of-box experience (OOBE). This functionality enables you to distribute shrink-wrapped devices to your employees or students. This functionality pairs well with mobile device management platforms likeMicrosoft...
On November 30, 2022, an out-of-band update was released to improve the Windows 10, version 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, and 22H2 out-of-box experience (OOBE). It provides eligible devices with the option to upgrade to Windows ...
We’re also using Apple Business Manager to directly manage corporate purchased macOS and iOS devices. Apple Business Manager interfaces with Intune and provides a fully managed experience like the one we have for our corporate owned Windows devices. We can control the Out Of Box experience (OOBE...
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