We have the following openings and would like to invite strong candidates to apply: 全部展开 | 全部折叠 Senior Researcher Machine Learning Researcher Opportunity - LLMs for Spreadsheets Human-Computer Interaction Researcher Opportunity Senior Researcher Opportunity (in India) - LLMs for Spreadsheet...
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Openingstijden voor een POI (Nuttige plaatsen). phone string Eigenschap Telefoonnummer url string Website-URL-eigenschap PointOfInterestCategorySet POI-categorie Tabel uitvouwen NameTypeDescription id integer Categorie-id QueryType Het type query dat wordt geretourneerd: IN DE BUURT of NON...
Regionale telefoonnummers Land/regioRegionaal nummerOpeningstijden ARGENTINIË0800-666-2842maandag t/m vrijdag van 09:00 tot 19:00 uur Argentinië (standaardtijd) AUSTRALIË1-800-234-085maandag t/m vrijdag van 08:00 tot 20:00 uur Australië Eastern (standaardtijd) ...
No openings in Sweden? :( Anonymous October 22, 2007 Not at the moment, but maybe if you speak French or learn to speak French:) Anonymous October 23, 2007 The comment has been removed Anonymous October 23, 2007 Here you go http://members.microsoft.com/careers/international/default.aspx?
Using this data, we identified 10 jobs that are in-demand in today’s economy and are well positioned to continue to grow in the future. These 10 jobs were identified as having the greatest number of job openings, have had steady growth ov...
But once those abstract algorithms are implemented in software, they are exposed to the bugs and imperfections of their code, and of other code that has been written to be used with the algorithms. That’s where bad actors look for openings that can allow them to attack. ...
Singapore The Singapore office—headquarters for the Asia Pacific region—is in the heart of Singapore's bustling central business district (CBD). Here we have eschewed assigned desks and private offices in favor of open spaces and varied seating and meeting areas so employees can work wherever ...
Openingstijden voor een POI (Points of Interest). phone string Eigenschap Telefoonnummer url string Website-URL-eigenschap PointOfInterestCategorySet POI-categorie Tabel uitvouwen NameTypeDescription id integer Categorie-id QueryType Het type query dat wordt geretourneerd: IN DE BUURT of ...
Openingstijden van een POI (Points of Interest). De beschikbaarheid van de bedrijfsuren is afhankelijk van de beschikbare gegevens. Indien niet doorgegeven, wordt er geen informatie over openingstijden geretourneerd. Ondersteunde waarde: nextSevenDays radius query integer De radius in me...