如果這是您第一次使用 Microsoft 365 開發人員租用戶,您帳戶的行事曆中可能沒有任何活動。 開始測試您的應用程式之前,請參閱https://outlook.office.com/calendar,並使用 Microsoft 365 開發人員租用戶帳戶登入。 於您的行事曆中,在 2022 年 3 月 9 日、10 日及 11 日新增範例活動。 在Visu...
在此練習中,您將建立 Outlook 增益集,以在工作表中將目前登入的使用者新增以 Microsoft Graph 接收的最近電子郵件清單。 此程式使用單一登入 (SSO) 驗證配置。
Planning calendar Completed 100 XP 3 minutes Before the application process begins for your MSA program, have the dates for the events your ambassadors are responsible to attend. This takes planning time for the sponsors. Take the entire school year into consideration and think about the school...
Microsoft Office 2010 Online Training Lynda.com offer a range of high quality and professionaly produced Microsoft Office Online Training videos. You can sign up in 5 minutes and take advantage of the following benefits: easy to follow tutorials expert presenters with sexy voices low monthly ...
You should receive an email invitation to an online class meeting from your instructor or school administrator. (Select the green check mark to accept.) There are several ways to join, like right-clicking the meeting in your Teams calendar and selecting Join. Learn more about joining a class ...
While you’re out Time spent away from your project tasks can make for a refreshing change of pace…especially if that time is spent poolside with a tasty beverage. But even if your time away is spent in a training session, or under a blanket on t...
First we update the Create Event action from the template to find the Calendar where the event should be created. We also set the start and end times so it only blocks an hour on the calendar.Select the Create Event step. Delete the string in the Calendar ID parameter by clicking the x...
Building an online training session in Office Mix for PowerPoint Published: 07/05/2016 Learn how to build an interactive training session with Office Mix, a free add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint in Office 365. Office Mix makes it easy to turn your PowerPoint presentations into interactive online ...
Building an online training session in Office Mix for PowerPoint Published: 07/05/2016 Learn how to build an interactive training session with Office Mix, a free add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint in Office 365. Office Mix makes it easy to turn your PowerPoint presentations into interactive online ...
Your project manager can enter your planned time away into a calendar that reflects your working hours. This calendar is used to determine the project schedule, and your task work will be automatically pushed out until you get back. Assign someone to enter y...