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有超过 70 万个职位招聘信息正在寻找具有 Microsoft 技术技能的应聘者。 浏览与你的职业目标相符的培训和凭证。 探索职业道路 学生资源 学生探索如何快速开启技术职业生涯,并与 Microsoft 学生开发者社区保持联系的中心。 通过交互式学习路径和模块学习新技能,并了解技能活动和资源。
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Access the latest topic-specific learning content aligned to the Build topics, all from trusted sources and in one spot with Official Collections on Microsoft Learn. AI Development Discover what's new with development in AI. Cloud Platform
LMS365 let’s you create anOnline Learning Platformfor your organization to enable your employees learn and train online, by usingTeamsorSharePoint. Full learning integration in a familiarMicrosoft 365environment Online access to training, learning, and working content fromanydesktop or mobile platform...
[漫步云端,Azure Services Platform]第二回:我的第一个云端应用:Hello,Cloud!-王涛 [你必须知道的.NET]第十三回:从Hello, world开始认识IL-王涛 根据Membership 用户存储验证用户凭据 C# 所有MVP文章 TechNet 中文速递邮件 - 2009年第5期 虚拟实验室常见问题与解答 Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation...
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Find personalized learning experiences and courses taught by real-world professionals on this leading career platform. Explore coursesSign up Become a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Learn Student Ambassadors are a global group of campus leaders who are eager to help fellow students, create robust te...
And now that the Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is here, find out how simple it is for you to create outstanding end user experiences tailored to a wide array of device types, from the smallest Lumia phone to the new 84" Surface Hub, all running the same app! Want to ...
We also recommend discussing a backup platform before the first class, just in case you run into technical difficulties that are out of your control. Examples of backups would be Skype, Facetime, or Google Hangouts. Most issues can be easil...