将文件和照片保存到 OneDrive,随时随地从任何设备进行访问。立即了解详细信息并获得 5 GB 的免费个人云存储。
相关产品和服务 存储帐户 持久、高度可用且可大规模缩放的云存储。 StorSimple 通过企业混合云存储解决方案降低成本。 SQL 数据仓库
OneDrive for Business 是包含在 Microsoft 365 中的云存储服务。 使用 Dynamics 365 Business Central,可以轻松存储和管理文件,并通过 OneDrive 与其他人共享文件。 当文件位于您的 OneDrive 中时,您可以从 Microsoft 产品的联机版本(如 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint)获得丰富的协作体验。 例如,您可以共享 Word ...
Cloud storage is a process to transfer data to an offsite system through a network. Read more on the definition of cloud storage and how to use cloud storage.
Cloud storage is run by computer hardware stored in a remote location. The equipment is protected and maintained by a cloud provider. With a cloud storage account, you can store information on that server and access it later. All you need is a device that connects to the interne...
The Microsoft 365 CDN is used by default for downloading generic resource assets like the Microsoft 365 client applications from a public origin.The Microsoft 365 CDN service is included as part of your SharePoint Online subscription.For more information about how to use the Microsoft 365 CDN, ...
Storage Pool.The collection of drives that form the basis of Storage Spaces is called the storage pool. It's automatically created, and all eligible drives are automatically discovered and added to it. We strongly recommend you use one pool per cluster, with the default settings. To learn more...
Microsoft Azure Storage is a cloud storage solution that developers and IT professionals use to build applications. Azure Storage saves data in the cloud. You can access Azure Storage by using any type of device and by using any type of application, from the smallest app to app...
CloudDesktop CM_CellularEntries CMPolicy CMPolicyEnterprise CustomDeviceUI DeclaredConfiguration Defender DevDetail DeveloperSetup DeviceLock DeviceManageability DevicePreparation DeviceStatus DevInfo DiagnosticLog DMAcc DMClient DMSessionActions DynamicManagement EMAIL2 EnrollmentStatusTracking EnterpriseAPN EnterpriseApp...
That pooling of data is called the “cloud effect.” “If we detect a set of attacks on one tenant, or a handful of tenants, we can synthesize that and start using the things that we learn from that to protect all the other tenants out there,” Shah said. “That’s the cloud ...