Download and install the Microsoft OneDrive app for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android. Get OneDrive cloud storage to protect your files and access them across all your devices.
Download and install the Microsoft OneDrive app for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android. Get OneDrive cloud storage to protect your files and access them across all your devices.
1 从App Store下载Microsoft OneDrive。如果您的iPhone上尚未安装OneDrive,请在App Store中进行搜索,然后点击GET,然后点击INSTALL进行下载。2 打开一个文档。如果您已经通过电子邮件,短信或其他共享方式收到了PDF,Word或其他文档,或者正在Web上查看它,请在iPhone上点击该文档以打开预览。3 点击“共享”图标。它是...
Use the OneDrive app to open your documents Open files Tap any document to open it. You can only view documents using the OneDrive app. If you want to edit a Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or OneNote file from your iPhone or iPad, you need to i...
When you try to install the Microsoft OneDrive sync app, you experience one of the following issues: The setup process doesn't finish. The setup process finishes, but it runs again every time that you sign in to your Windows...
透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載Microsoft OneDrive,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 使用 Microsoft OneDrive 隨時隨地完成更多工作。
Install Microsoft OneDrive PWA AppOpen start menu and launch Microsoft Edge browser. On your HoloLens go to and enter your account credentials. After you log into your OneDrive web portal, wait for 30 secs to 60 secs for PWA download button to show ...
Microsoft OneDrive, free and safe download. Microsoft OneDrive latest version: Download Microsoft OneDrive for Windows – The cloud-based storage syste
Microsoft OneDrive keeps your photos, videos, and files backed up, protected, synced, and accessible on all your devices. The OneDrive app lets you view and sha…
可以通过使用 WinGet 下载应用包,然后使用 Intune分发应用包,从而轻松地在环境中部署 HoloLens OneDrive 预览版应用: 在电脑上,打开命令提示符并键入winget -v 如果版本1.8.1791或更高版本,请转到下一步。 如果版本低于1.8.1791,请键入winget upgrade winget将 WinGet 更新到最新版本 ...