Microsoft 对特定策略、操作实践和技术保持透明,有助于确保 Microsoft OneDrive 中数据的隐私性、安全性和合规性。 Microsoft 尊重你用于在 Microsoft OneDrive 中训练和处理模型的数据的隐私和所有权。 Microsoft 不会使用或传输组织的任何数据来训练 AI 模型、大语言模型或任何其他模型。
批量文件删除通知和恢复- 如果意外或有意删除 OneDrive云备份中的大量文件,我们将向你发出警报,并提供恢复这些文件的步骤。 个人保管库 OneDrive 个人保管库是 OneDrive 中的一个受保护区域,你只能通过强身份验证方法或身份验证的第二步(例如指纹、人脸、PIN 或通过电子邮件或短信发送给你的代码)进行访问。1个人保管库...
Microsoft OneDrive in Microsoft 365 is an introduction to the cloud storage. The tool brings files, content and people all together in one location.
断开Samsung Gallery 与 OneDrive 的连接 若要让 Samsung Gallery 应用停止将照片同步到 OneDrive,并删除 Microsoft 帐户的 Samsung 数据共享权限,你需要编辑登录 Microsoft 的方式: 打开Microsoft 帐户的其他安全选项。 在 “Samsung 帐户”旁边,选择“删除”。
Save your files and photos to OneDrive and access them from any device, anywhere. Learn more and get 5 GB of free personal cloud storage today.
saved to OneDrive; it doesn't function with unsaved files. Copilot features in Outlook apply to accounts with,,, or email addresses and are available in, Outlook built into Windows, Outlook on Mac, and iOS and Android apps....
See why schools are choosing OneDrive with Microsoft 365. Get the e-book Simplify day-to-day activities with OneDrive See how different roles and departments can utilize OneDrive. Get the e-book Protect your files with OneDrive Balance file security with a simple, powerful collaboration experience...
How it helps:Personal Vaultin OneDrive provides an extra layer of security with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), helping to ensure that only you can access your critical files. This feature is invaluable for important documents, such as passports, tax records, and financial ...
To use OneDrive , you need: An active account: Either a Microsoft personal account. Create one. And/or a work or school account. You can have multiple work or school accounts with OneDrive, but only one personal account. A way to access your OneDrive: Either a computer or mobile device ...
Protection (MIP) labels-based granular conditional access policies for SharePoint and OneDrive Sites. Administrators can now create theconditional access authentication contextsin their Azure Active Directory tailored for their organization’s security posture and then associat...