拥有有效学校电子邮件地址的学生可以免费获取 Microsoft Office 365 教育版。探索 Microsoft Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 等强大的工具,用于学习和发现。
Copilot is available to all staff, faculty, and higher education students aged 18+ and older, and provides enterprise data protection when signed in with their school account. Follow Microsoft Education What's new Surface Pro Surface Laptop Surface Laptop Studio 2 Surface Laptop Go 3 Micros...
Access to Microsoft Office 365 Education is free for students with a valid school email address. Explore powerful tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for learning and discovery.
Access to Microsoft Office 365 Education is free for students with a valid school email address. Explore powerful tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for learning and discovery.
FreeOffice 家用版和商用版免费使用。试用FreeOffice,您就会毫无异议地赞成该产品是 Microsoft Office 的最佳免费替代品。FreeOffice 是完整的办公套件,其中包含字处理器、电子表格应用程序和演示文稿程序 – 全都与 Microsoft Office(Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint)的对应程序无缝兼容。
详细了解 Office 365 中的工具,以便支持课堂中的教学策略。 浏览全部教师培训。 产品指南 Teams 教育版 用于协作教室的数字中心,可将会议、内容和应用集中在一个位置。 Minecraft 我的世界教育版 一个基于游戏的学习平台,可通过游戏激发创造性的沉浸式学习。
Explore learning tools from Microsoft Education. Eligible students can get free software such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Teams.
FreeOffice 家用版和商用版免费使用。 试用FreeOffice,您就会毫无异议地赞成该产品是 Microsoft Office 的最佳免费替代品。 FreeOffice 是完整的办公套件,其中包含字处理器、电子表格应用程序和演示文稿程序 – 全都与 Microsoft Office(Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint)的对应程序无缝兼容。
How to quickly discover Office 2007 keyboard shortcutsI use flagged items A LOT. I live and die by the Outlook To-Do bar. In fact, I always feel on top of...Author: Michael Greene Date: 05/11/2007Microsoft SharedView BetaI had a chance to play around with this quite a lot and I...
FreeOffice 家用版和商用版免费使用。 试用FreeOffice,您就会毫无异议地赞成该产品是 Microsoft Office 的最佳免费替代品。 FreeOffice 是完整的办公套件,其中包含字处理器、电子表格应用程序和演示文稿程序 – 全都与 Microsoft Office(Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint)的对应程序无缝兼容。