In addition to the requirements above that are needed to run Windows, some features have additional requirements. In some cases, features included with updated versions of Windows 10 will be best experiencedwith newer processors. For specific hardware support please refer to your Original Equipment Ma...
System requirements for installing Windows 10 These are the basic requirements for installing Windows 10 on a PC. If your device does not meet these requirements, you may not have the great experience intended with Windows 10 and might want to consider purchasinga new PC. ...
Windows Server 2012、2012 R2 Office 365 專業增強版會在 Windows 8.1 上繼續獲得支援,直到 2023 年 1 月終止支援日期為止,以及在 Windows Server 2016 上繼續獲得支援,直到 2025 年 10 月為止。 透過遠端桌面與虛擬桌面基礎結構 (VDI) 提供 Office 365 專業增強版,依舊是我們客戶的重要使用案例。 Microsoft 會...
Doesn't support any edition of Office 2010: Windows Server 2003, 64-bit Windows XP, 64-bit Additional Requirements and product functionality can vary based on the system configuration and operating system. Other Certain inking features require running Windows XP Tablet PC edition, Windows Vista, ...
Windows 10 system requirementsApplies ToWindows 10 Here's what it takes to upgrade to Windows 10 on your PC or tablet: Latest OS: Make sure you're running the latest version—either Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update. Find out which version you're running. Need the latest version?
Office 365 ProPlus delivers cloud-connected and always up-to-date versions of the Office desktop apps. To ensure that customers get the best value from ProPlus and Windows 10 together, the following updates have been made to the ProPlus system requirements for Windows: ...
Office XP Operating System Requirements Important Concepts and Issues Deploying Office XP in an Organization Deploying Office XP Maintaining and Updating Your Office XP Installation Appendix B: Windows Management Instrumentation Appendix C: Scripting SMS Operations ...
谢谢阅读! 最初发表时间: 2010 年 1 月 22 日(星期五),下午 4:31,作者:Office 团队 这是一篇本地化的博客文章。请访问以查看原文。
兼容Windows 11、Windows 10 或 macOS* 仅限非商业使用 *系统要求:前往查看兼容的 Windows 11、Windows 10 和 macOS 版本及其他功能要求。 购买提示:软件激活密钥不适用微软官方商城退换货政策。此商品一经售出,不予退换。 总计:¥ 748.00 ...
在Windows 7 或更高版本上运行的 32 位或 64 位版本的 Office 2016 或更高版本。 Excel 2016、Outlook 2016、PowerPoint 2016、Project Professional 2016、Project 2016、Word 2016 或更高版本的 Office 客户端(如果专门为这些 Office 桌面客户端之一测试或运行 Office 加载项)。 Office 桌面客户端可以在本地安装...