In conclusion, downloading Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 for free can be challenging, but third-party websites offer options. However, users should be cautious about downloading from untrustworthy sources. Moreover, better alternatives likeWPS Office PowerPointexist for creating engaging presentations. For tho...
更快速地建立出色的簡報。將您的 PowerPoint 2010 下載升級至 Microsoft 365,輕鬆地存取 3D、筆跡等更多進階功能。
更快创建更优秀的演示文稿。将 PowerPoint 2010 下载项升级到 Microsoft 365,轻松访问 3D 和墨迹等高级功能。
Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 System Requirements Minimum The minimum system requirements for Office 2010 include: Intel Pentium III processor, 500 MHz; 256 MB PC100 SDRAM; and Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3. In contrast, Office 2003 specified a 233 MHz processor and 128 MB of RAM. ...
Microsoft Office 2016 So, at Mysoftware, users can select from multiple Microsoft PowerPoint versions, including Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, Microsoft Office 2019, and Office 365, to meet their specific presentation requirements. However, getting a free downloadable version o...
PowerPoint 2010是微软公司的演示文稿软件。利用PowerPoint2010不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议。完美下载提供PowerPoint 2010下载。 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010软件特性 Microsoft Office PowerPoint,是微软公司的演示文稿软件。用户可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶...
Microsoft Office2010是一款专业的商务办公的工具软件。软件包含office三件套word、ppt、excel以及其余的办公软件。十分方便快捷,界面简约,布局直观清晰,操作简单,极易上手,是一款不可多得的利器。 软件特色 更直观地表达想法 协作的绩效更高 从更多地点更多设备上享受熟悉的 Office 体验 ...
This free online Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 course will guide you through the features that make this the most popular software application for presentations in the world. This software is a powerful presentation tool used commonly in both the public and private sector. Effective use of this tool ca...
Microsoft PowerPoint简称PPT2010,提取自微软office办公软件,是款应用广泛的PPT幻灯片制作工具,你可用PPT2010来制作产品演示文稿,还可在PPT中加入视频、音乐、语音解说等,让你的PPT更具色彩。PowerPoint2010可使您与其他人员同时工作或联机发布您的演示文稿并使用Web或Smartphone从几乎任何位置访问它。在我们生活中包括会议、...