We are having an issue with multiple users not able to search through emails in Office 365 group mailboxes on the Outlook desktop app. this issue is not present in webmail. When they run the search it just says no results. This just started recently from what I can t...
Now my Outlook version is 16.0.8827.2131 32BitBest regardsFriday, January 26, 2018 3:55 PM | 2 votesI've found this tech note that can help on thishttps://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/abd2b81d-a6f8-4939-8f29-20d9e525353c/outlook-search-not-working-as-of-late-...
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/repair-an-office-application-7821d4b6-7c1d-4205-aa0e-a6b40c5bb88b Agree with Diane, if Outlook automatically run as admin when you just double click on the outlook icon, I'm afraid that simple repair could not help solve your issue. Please tr...
Since I migrated to a new Mac with M1 and Ventura 13.1, all of my spotlight search for Office is not working. I have done everything as far as...
1 打开某些邮件才报错,该故障是因邮件中的内容导致outlook2010出现了兼容性问题,首先最容易想到的方法当然就是最简单的办法——升级office,安装更高版本的office,如Microsoft office 2016,卸载及安装方法这里就不说了,附上下载页面:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zXdzpSL-sGODm87oZYQ-Mw 2 既然是软件版本兼容...
开始->运行->services.msc 找到windows search服务,双击打开属性,把启动类型改为 "自动(延迟启动)"然后再点启动,再确定保存就可以了 按照我说的一步一步做就可以了。
Outlook中经常需要搜索邮件,但邮件搜索经常发生异常,导致不搜索不正常,要找的邮件根本搜索不出来。 方法一、重建索引 1、但在“索引选项”中显示“索引完成”,且“索引位置”对话框中的邮箱数据都有勾选上,且确认“Windows Search Email Index”已加载,但邮箱仍搜索不完整,则单击“索引选项”对话框中的“高级”...
当Microsoft 365 用户在Outlook 网页版 ((以前称为 Outlook Web App) )中搜索其邮箱时,他们注意到搜索结果中缺少大量邮件。 此外,搜索结果中返回的项的日期范围中可能存在间隔。 原因 如果搜索返回的项数超过 1028 个,则会出现此问题。 解决方案 执行以下任一操作: ...
The appointment is not duplicated in my… Office Office A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, email, presentations, and data management and analysis. 1,837 questions Sign in to follow Outlook Outlook A family of Microsoft...
在Microsoft Office 365 中添加新用户并为用户分配 Microsoft Exchange Online 许可证。 但是,在用户登录到 Office 365 门户后,该用户的 Outlook、日历或人员链接不可用(显示为灰色)。 办法 若要解决此问题,请检查用户是否在本地环境中具有 Exchange Online 许可证或邮箱。