Excel (online only) Ad-free experience Works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and AndroidTM Copilot Pro available as an add-on.* Apps and services included Excel Word PowerPoint Microsoft Defender OneDrive Outlook OneNote Microsoft Editor Advanced security ...
Microsoft Excel is the industry leading spreadsheet software program, a powerful data visualization and analysis tool. Take your analytics to the next level with Excel.
With Microsoft 365 for the web you can edit and share Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote files on your devices using a web browser.
Excel Online (Business) connector lets you work with Excel files in document libraries supported by Microsoft Graph (OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Sites, and Office 365 Groups).This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
Microsoft Excel with a Microsoft 365 subscription is the latest version of Excel. Previous versions include Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, and Excel 2003.App availability varies by device/language. Features vary by platform. [1] Copilot in Excel requires AutoSave to be enabl...
借助Microsoft 365 网页版,可使用 Web 浏览器在设备上编辑和共享 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 OneNote 文件。
借助Microsoft 365 网页版,可使用 Web 浏览器在设备上编辑和共享 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 OneNote 文件。
在Microsoft Office 2010 程序(Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 OneNote)中,您可以将文档保存到 SharePoint 库中,开始使用 Office Online。 现在,您即可在浏览器中查看和编辑您的文档,或在 Office 中将其重新打开。 注意:要在 Office Online 中打开的文档不必使用 Office 2010 创建。 为获得最佳兼容性,请使用 Office ...
Excel Online 活頁簿會使用兩種連線的其中一種:內嵌連線 連結連線 內嵌聯機會儲存為 Excel 活頁簿的一部分。 連結連線儲存在活頁簿外部的 Office 資料連線 (ODC) 檔案。 若要使用連結連線,活頁簿必須參考與活頁簿儲存在相同 SharePoint Server 伺服器陣列中的 .odc 檔案。 每個資料連線是由以下所組成:...
Excel Online (OneDrive) connection provider lets you work with Excel files stored in OneDrive. This connection provider only supports personal (MSA) accounts.This connector is available in the following products and regions:Développer la table ...