结合使用“电影和电视”应用与“讲述人” 本文适用于通过 Windows 工具或功能和 Microsoft 365 产品使用 Windows 讲述人、JAWS 或 NVDA 等屏幕阅读器程序的人士。 本文是 Office 内容集辅助功能帮助和学习的 一部分,可在其中找到有关应用的更多辅助功能信息。 有关常规帮助,请访问Microsoft 支持。 电影& 电视提供了...
新Microsoft 365 功能會逐漸開放給 Microsoft 365 訂閱者使用,因此您的應用程式可能還沒有這些功能。 若要了解如何更快速地取得新功能,請加入 Office 測試人員計畫。 若要深入了解螢幕助讀程式,請移至如何在 Microsoft 365 使用螢幕助讀程式。 將工作移到另一份清單 ...
新Microsoft 365 功能會逐漸開放給 Microsoft 365 訂閱者使用,因此您的應用程式可能還沒有這些功能。 若要了解如何更快速地取得新功能,請加入 Office 測試人員計畫。 若要深入了解螢幕助讀程式,請移至如何在 Microsoft 365 使用螢幕助讀程式。 您必須...
新Microsoft 365 功能會逐漸開放給 Microsoft 365 訂閱者使用,因此您的應用程式可能還沒有這些功能。 若要了解如何更快速地取得新功能,請加入 Office 測試人員計畫。 若要深入了解螢幕助讀程式,請移至如何在 Microsoft 365 使用螢幕助讀程式。 本主題內容 開啟[建議] 窗格 完...
Help desk guidelines on Daylight Saving Time for Microsoft Office Outlook Calendars The Exchange team has posteda helpdesk-oriented documentthat provides recommendations and prescriptive guidance for updating Outlook calendars to comply with the Daylight Saving Time (DST) 2007 rule...
We can help you find what you need Sales support help Disability answer desk Shop with an ASL associate Product setup and training Not all Microsoft Store services listed here are available in all regions. To see your options, select your country or region from the dropdown list below: ...
We can help you find what you need Sales support help Disability answer desk Shop with an ASL associate Product setup and training Not all Microsoft Store services listed here are available in all regions. To see your options, select your country or region from the dropdown list below: ...
Office 365 Groups Mail Office 365 Outlook Office 365 Users Office 365 Video [非推奨] OK dokument (Independent Publisher) OMDb (Independent Publisher) OneBlink OneDrive OneDrive for Business Oneflow OneNote (Business) OneNote Consumer (Independent Publisher) One-Time Secret (Independent Publisher) Oodr...
Office 365 Groups Mail Office 365 Outlook Office 365 Users Office 365 Video [УСТАРЕЛО] OK dokument (Independent Publisher) OMDb (Independent Publisher) OneBlink OneDrive OneDrive for Business Oneflow OneNote (Business) OneNote Consumer (Independent Publisher) One-Time Secret (Independent Pub...
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