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Office は、グラフィックを検索および作成して、ドキュメントを際立たせるのに役立ちます。クリップ アート: 画像: アイコンとストック 画像: 3D イラスト: 図形と SmartArt: タッチで描画する: グラフ: アニメーション:クリップ アー...
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Usare le icone in un documento di Office SelezionareInserisci>Iconeper visualizzare il set completo di icone disponibili per il documento diOffice. Le icone sono disposte in categorie per aiutarti a trovare quello che vuoi. Seiconenon è disponibile sulla barra multifunzione,...
Voice clipsinstead of clip art Looking for information about adding an audio clip to a slide? SeeAdd or delete audio in your PowerPoint presentation. See Also Insert images, icons, and more in Microsoft 365 Make or find pictures in Office ...
Newer versionsOffice 2016macOSWeb Insert clip art STEP 1: Select Insert > Pictures > Online Pictures (In Outlook, when you're using the Reading pane, there isn't an Insert menu. Click Pop Out and then you'll see the Insert menu.) STEP 2: Type a word or phrase to describe what ...
Microsoft 365, Office 2021 etOffice 2019ontdes icônes, unnouveautype d’illustration pour vos documents. Les icônes sont personnalisables : vous pouvezcolorier,redimensionner, mettreenformeetfaire pivoterles icônes sans perte de qualité de l’image. ...