Use the Microsoft Office mobile apps. These apps are available for free on the Google Play Store. They allow you to create and edit Office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations on your tablet. Use the web version of Microsoft Office. You can access the web version of Office by going to...
Office is still a desktop app with some grudging interface tweaks designed to ease the pain of using an app without a mouse. Anyone who owns a Surface RT is likely to look enviously at these iPad apps, which for now are the gold standard ...
微软昨天发布了专门针对 Android 平板电脑优化的 Office 套件,包含Microsoft Word、Microsoft Excel以及PowerPoint,只要你的 Android 平板大于 7 英寸小于 10.1 英寸都可以免费使用核心功能。@Appinn 感谢@hopefulUU-双同学提醒:“今天发布的是安卓平板版,不是安卓手机版,这个平板版真是神器了功能,排版显示效果完美。手机...
Don’t confuse Office for iPad with Office Mobile, which is available on the iPhone and Android smartphones (a tablet version is in the works). This is also free to use if you have iOS 7 or Android 4.0 and up, as long as it’s for home use. Office mobile allows you to...
Microsoft OfficeOnenote Microsoft Office OneNote使您能够捕获、组织和重用便携式计算机、台式计算机或Tablet PC上的便笺。它为您提供了一个存储所有便笺的位置,并允许您自由处理这些便笺。OneNote 2003还帮助您以多种方式捕获信息,然后根据需要组织和使用它。它是Office2003中的新程序。
Microsoft Word is a word processing application developed by Microsoft. It is a very popular office software. Microsoft Word is available on Windows and Mac. You can also download Microsoft Word on your mobile device like an Android phone/tablet, or iPhone/iPad. ...
使用Microsoft 365 充分利用每一天 只要购买一项计划,即可享受在线保护、安全的云存储空间和多款创新应用,满足你的各种需求。 限1 人使用最多可供 6 人使用 商业版 全新 Surface Windows 11 AI+ PC 商用版,现已推出 Intel 首款搭载全新英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra 处理器 (Series 2) 的 Surface Windows 11 AI...
Focuses on the development of an Office application Xdocs by Microsoft Corp. that will support people attending seminars and meetings. Comments made on the application of the product during the Gartner Inc. seminar...
To download Office apps to your Android tablet or Android phone: Go to Google Play on your device. Search for the Office app you want, and then tapInstall. If the app you want is already installed, Google Play may show options toOpenorUpdatethe app. If you seeUpd...
Microsoft 365 教育版 Office 教育版 教育工作者培训和开发 面向学生和家长的优惠 面向学生的 Azure 企业 Microsoft Cloud Microsoft 安全 Azure Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365 Microsoft Advertising Microsoft 365 Copilot Microsoft Teams 开发人员与 IT Microsoft 开发人员 ...