Easily plan projects and collaborate from virtually anywhere with the right tools for project managers, project teams, and decision makers.
Excel is a familiar spreadsheet application for any MS Office user. Use it to track and visualize your data. Import your Excel documents into Wrike to create a folder template, or export all your tasks including statues, assignees, dependencies, and more. Import Follow the instructions in Wrike...
“Having a standardized way of working with a cloud solution like the Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) platform we built with Project for the web speaks to the new ways of working.” —Anders Fogh, Head of Process and Operations, Product Development, VELUX ...
Easily plan projects and collaborate from virtually anywhere with the right tools for project managers, project teams, and decision makers.
构建你想要的桌面或移动体验,并轻松创建自动化工作流。所有这些都通过一个基于 Azure(全球受信任企业云)的灵活、安全平台实现。 了解从初创公司到企业的组织如何改变利用 Microsoft Project 完成工作的方式 通过更高的可见性获得成功 “我们与小型团队处于高度协作的环境中…Microsoft Project 网页版及其集成与我们的工作...
将测验、调查、投票和其他类型的表单插入到其他 Office 产品中。 通过添加徽标、在问题旁边显示图片或视频来增强表单。 共享测验或表单,与他人协作或将其作为模板共享。 邀请其他人使用任何 Web 浏览器或移动设备回复你的表单。 在提交时查看实时结果。 使用内置分析来评估响应。
最成功使用Project Online來解決這類商務問題的組織,就是為組織中的專案管理方式建立一組標準、程式和最佳做法的組織。 建立和管理這些專案管理規則的人員或群組有時稱為專案管理 Office (PMO) 。 PMO 有何作用? 在大型公司中,PMO 可以由處理整個組織專案管理問題的部門所組成,例如專案管理控管...
Project provides tools to help you manage cross-project dependencies, even tasks in one project that are dependent on the completion of another project. When things get even more complicated, you can tap into Project Server, SharePoint, and Outlook. ...
Project 網頁版方便且便於使用。 因為它是以 Microsoft Power Platform 為基礎,所以可以輕鬆地使用解決方案進行自訂。 我們已建立可新增六個專案管理案例的解決方案:Project Management Office Accelerator (PMO Accelerator) 。 本文說明如何使用它來增強 Project 網頁版中的專案。注意...
Ready for Project Online Professional? See products and pricing Top questions Expand all|Collapse all What’s the difference between Office 2010 and Microsoft 365? How do I know if my computer can run Microsoft 365? Is internet access required for Microsoft 365?