The SkipIf field compares two expressions: If the comparison is true, SkipIf cancels the current merge document, moves to the next data record in the data source, and starts a new merge document; if the comparison is false, Microsoft Word continues the current merge document. Documents that ...
DOCPROPERTYis the field name. Manageris the text for the required instruction ("Name"). \* Upperis an optional switch to specify that the name is displayed in all capitals. If the name specified in theManagerfield of thePropertiesdialog box is Christa Geller, inserting this field in you...
The Fill-In field prompts you to enter text. Your response is printed in place of the field. Note:To insert your response in more than one location, use an Ask field. Word prompts you for a response each time you update the Fill-In field, such as when you press F9 or step through ...
When you view the Database field code in your document, the syntax looks like this: { DATABASE [Switches ] } Note: A field code tells the field what to show. Field results are what is shown in the document after having evaluated the field code. To toggle between viewing the field code...
WordprocessingML 字段开关。 此类在 Office 2007 及更高版本中可用。 当对象序列化为 xml 时,其限定名称为 o:FieldCodes。
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 如果显示域代码,则该属性值为True。 C# publicboolShowFieldCodes {get;set; } 属性值 Boolean 适用于 产品版本 Word primary interop assemblyLatest 反馈 此页面是否有帮助?
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 如此如果从指定区域获取的文本包含域代码。 C# publicboolIncludeFieldCodes {get;set; } 属性值 Boolean 注解 注意在设置此属性之前,默认值与“选项”对话框中“视图”选项卡上的“字段代码”选项的设置相同, (“工具”菜单) 。Text将 ...
如果Characters 对象不包括域或包括非域字符,则 FieldCode 属性返回一个异常。 在获得 FieldCode 属性之前,检查其Characters 对象的 IsField 属性。域代码对应于“域”对话框(可通过单击“插入”选项卡中的“域”访问)的“域”列表中的域。字段代码的常量由 VisFieldCodes 中的 Microsoft Visio 类型库声明。
Authorized Retailers: Check local electronics or office supply stores that typically sell Microsoft products. Online Platforms: Consider buying from reputable websites like Amazon or Best Buy that offer digital codes. After purchasing, you'll receive a product key that you can use to activate your ...
Toggle field code display. [Alt][F9] View.ShowFieldCodes = True/False Turn field code into plain text. [Ctrl][Shift][F9] Object.Fields.Unlink Lock field to prevent updating. [Ctrl][F11] Object.Fields.Locked = True Unlock field. [Ctrl][Shift][F11] Object.Fields.Locked = FalseFIGURE...