Word cannot print. There is no printer installed. Note Microsoft Office 2002 has built-in functionality that you can use to obtain more information about difficult-to-troubleshoot alerts or error messages. If you want to enable this functionality f...
Error.codeError.nameError.message条件 1000强制类型无效不支持指定的强制类型Office 应用程序中不支持强制类型。 (例如,Excel.) 不支持 OOXML 和 HTML 强制类型 1001数据读取错误不支持当前所选内容。不支持用户当前所选内容(即与受支持的强制类型有所不同)。
Although many RPC protocol methods have unique error messages, most rely on a standard error message format to relay information if a method fails to complete properly. This format has two parts: Method Status The first part of the message is the Method. This contains the name of the method...
全新 Surface Windows 11 AI+ PC 商用版,现已推出 Intel 首款搭载全新英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra 处理器 (Series 2) 的 Surface Windows 11 AI+ PC 重磅登场。 关注Microsoft 企业 Microsoft Cloud Microsoft 安全 Azure Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365
无法使用即点即用安装 64 位版本的 Office 单击超链接时找不到代理服务器 无法从 UNC 共享打开文件 无法在终端服务器上打开 Office 即点即用版本 加载加载项时无法从 localhost 打开此加载项 无法在 Windows 安全模式下启动 无法卸载 Office 编译错误:过程太大 ...
Microsoft Office Visio 2003 and Microsoft Visio 2002 Error message 1 An error (100) occurred during the action Open Saved File. Visio cannot open the file because it's not a Visio file or it has been corrupted. Error me...
方法2:使用 Office Access 2007、Access 2003 或 Access 2002 将链接的 Excel 工作簿导入 Access,然后对数据进行更改。 完成更改后,将数据导出为 Excel .xls 文件。 若要将表从 Access 导出到 Excel,请在 Access 中运行以下代码。 VB复制 PublicSubWorkArounds()OnErrorGoToLeaveDimstrSQL, SQLAsStringDimDbAsAD...
If you have both Office 365 and an earlier version of Office installed with MSI and you have a program that uses the OLEDB interfaces or the ADO.Net interfaces, you may encounter an error indicating that the database remains locked even after closi...
Windows 7, Office 2010 Proof of Concept – How To Guide | TechNet Script Junkie | Html Forms, Ajax, ASP.NET MVC and You RawMouseFlags Enumeration (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk.Interop) MultipointMouseEvents.MultipointPreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent Field (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk) IMultipointGeneric...
Document Footnotes. This class is available in Office 2007 and above. When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is w:footnotes.