如果需要有关下载、安装或激活 Windows 或 Office 的帮助、需要技术支持或拥有任何帐户 & 计费相关问题,请选择下面的“获取帮助”按钮。 描述你的问题,我们将提供自助服务或将你连接到最合适的支持,其中可能包括聊天或请求呼叫 - 我们将呼叫你,因此你不必等待。
如果您需要下載、安裝或啟用 Windows 或 Office 的說明、需要技術支援或擁有任何帳戶 & 帳單相關問題,請選取下方的 [取得協助] 按鈕。 請描述您的問題,我們會提供自助協助,或是將您連線到最適當的支持服務,其中可能包括聊天或要求通話,我們會打電話給您,讓您不必等候。
How to contact Microsoft tech support by phone You can reach Microsoft using their customer service phone number. For US:1 (800) 642 7676 Waiting on the phone might not be feasible for everyone, so you can also submit a request for a call option onsupport.microsoft.com. How to contact M...
Where do you contact Microsoft Support if you face problems relating to Windows, Office, or any other Microsoft software or service? This post will list some useful resource links, phone numbers, and email IDs, from where you can receive help from Microsoft. Before you begin, I want you to...
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Polly officeatwork Pickit Sized your way Microsoft 365 has solutions tailored to your business’s needs, whatever the size of your company. Small business Enterprise Additional resources Find self-help and support options to help you make the best choice. ...
- Office 网页版或自动标记策略 (FileSensitivityLabelRemoved) - Microsoft 365 个应用 (SensitivityLabelRemoved) 敏感度标签的其他审核信息: 将敏感度标签用于Microsoft 365 组,因此 Teams 网站与组连接时,将在 Microsoft Entra ID 中使用组管理审核标签。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft Entra ID 中的审核日志...
Thanks for sharing the support phone number. In addition, to get the latest way to contact our support, please refer to the following information. If you are using Professional and Small Businesses, you can get support for Office 365 from here. If you are using Enterprises, you can get...
Microsoft不包含客户密码箱中的任何链接,电子邮件通知要求你登录到Office 365。 在组织的审批者批准请求后,Microsoft工程师会收到批准消息,登录到租户,并修复客户的问题。 Microsoft 工程师对修复这个问题有要求期限,之后访问将自动撤销。 备注 Microsoft 工程师执行的所有操作都会记录在审计日志中。 你可以搜索和查看这些...
News: Mobile Phone update: Google pulls Gmail app from BlackBerryhttps://www.siliconrepublic.com/new-media/item/24419-google-pulls-gmail-app-from/ Office 365...Date: 11/10/2011Customer/Partner: Service Availability in Office 365https://community.office365.com/en-us/b/office_365_technical_...