在Microsoft Defender 入口網站https://security.microsoft.com的中,移至 [範本化原則] 區段中的 [Email &> 共同作業原則 & 規則>威脅原則>設定分析器]。 若要直接移至 [ 組態分析器] 頁面, 請使用 https://security.microsoft.com/configurationAnalyzer。
导航到 https://security.microsoft.com/configurationAnalyzer。 从顶部菜单中选择 “标准建议 ”或“ 严格建议”,根据要进行的旁对边比较。 将显示策略更改建议。 ((如果适用)) 然后,可以选择建议、记下建议的操作、建议适用的策略、设置名称 & 当前配置等...
The Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT) is a tool developed by Microsoft engineers that will use detection rules to look for known Microsoft Office configuration issues that can cause problems with your installation of Office. This tool has a lot of features and can tell you a lot about...
Summary The Microsoft Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT) was removed from the Microsoft Download Center on June 11, 2018. The Outlook scanning functionality of OffCAT is available in the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365 (SaRA) tool. SaRA offers several improvements, in...
Summary The Microsoft Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT) was removed from the Microsoft Download Center on June 11, 2018. The Outlook scanning functionality of OffCAT is available in the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365 (SaRA) tool. SaRA offers severa...
The Microsoft Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT) is a powerful tool that detects several hundred known issues about Office programs and displays the results (in a scan report) with a solution link to for each detected issue. The report also includes a detailed tree-report display of ...
{"__typename":"BlogTopicMessage","uid":610958,"subject":"Upgrade to Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT) version 2","id":"message:610958","revisionNum":2,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:324116"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Blog:board:Ex...
https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/help/2812744/office-configuration-analyzer-tool-offcat-information 此致, 敬; Steve Fan 如果以上回复对您有所帮助,建议您将其“标记为答复”. 如果您对我们的论坛支持有任何的建议,可以通过此邮箱联系我们:tnsf@microsoft.com. ...
SharePoint Configuration Analyzer SharePoint Configuration Analyzer (shown inFigure 3) is not a recovery tool itself. However, it can provide valuable information to help you map out a recovery strategy. While not installed by default, you can download SharePoint Configuration Analyzer from the Micr...
用于Microsoft Office 2007 的 Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit(该链接可能指向英文页面) (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=152859&clcid=0x804)(该链接可能指向英文页面) 软件清单 Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer (MSIA) 使用Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer (MSIA),可以生成本...