Use your college or university email address to verify your student status and sign up to save over 50% on the regular price of Microsoft 365 Personal. You will continue to be charged the applicable monthly subscription fee unless you cancel in your Microsoft account. A credit card is r...
Head back to school with the best Microsoft student & teacher discounts at the Education Store. Get the latest deals on student laptops, PCs, Office, and more.
Microsoft Office is a powerful and widely used suite of productivity software. For students, it can be an essential tool for completing assignments and staying organized. However, the cost of purchasing or subscribing to Microsoft 365 Education or Microsoft Office student 2021 can be a burden. In...
Microsoft Office was facing an uphill task in engaging the undergraduate student community. Attracting this audience鈥攖he most tech-savvy generation ever鈥攚as critical to the future of the Microsoft Office franchise. Microsoft's past advertising efforts to reach this audience had proven lackluster, ...
Access to Microsoft Office 365 Education is free for students with a valid school email address. Explore powerful tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for learning and discovery.
Microsoft in education Devices for education Microsoft Teams for Education Microsoft 365 Education How to buy for your school Educator training and development Deals for students and parents Azure for students Business Microsoft Cloud Microsoft Security ...
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Is Office 365 free forever for Students? Office 365 Education is free for faculty and students at qualifying institutions. To qualify for Office 365 for Students plans, your school must be an accredited university or college. As a student, you can take advantage of Microsoft’s Office 365 free...
5. University and College Courses: Comprehensive Learning Many educational institutions offer Microsoft Office training as part of their computer science, business, or information technology programs: Comprehensive Learning:University courses provide in-depth knowledge and often cover the suite's applications...