我們在這個月宣布推出可協助改善貴組織安全性狀態的 Microsoft Cloud App Security 和 Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) 條件式存取原則更新、可協助您符合合規性義務的 Microsoft Teams 和 Yammer 更新、可協助您建立充滿視覺震撼效果簡報的 PowerPoint 設計工具更新,以及可協助您專...
应用连接器使用云应用提供商提供的 API 将 Cloud App Security 云与其他云应用集成。应用连接器扩展控制和保护。它们还使你可以直接从云应用访问信息,以便进行 Cloud App Security 分析。 为了连接应用并扩展保护,应用管理员授权 Cloud App Security 访问应用。然后,Cloud App Security 在应用中查询活动日志,并扫描数据...
ESET Cloud Office Security Advanced protection for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace apps Why do customers appreciate our cloud app protection solution? Secured cloud applications Add an extra layer of advanced protection to your Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace applications to prevent cyber threats on...
Office 365 Cloud App Security is a subset of Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps that provides enhanced visibility and control for Office 365.Office 365 Cloud App Security includes threat detection based on user activity logs, discovery of Shadow IT for apps that have similar functionality to Office...
This MCAS workshop guides an organisation through the high level design considerations applicate to Cloud Discovery, Connect App and session proxy policy capabilities and related integrations. This Microsoft 365 Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS) 1-day workshop introduces the art of the possib...
基于安全与合规中心的警报策略生成的所有警报。 在Office 365 云应用安全和Microsoft Cloud App Security 中生成的 Office 365 相关警报。这些事件的 UserId 和 UserKey 始终为 SecurityComplianceAlerts。 有三种类型的警报事件,它们被存储为常见架构的 Operation 属性值:...
針對Microsoft Entra 登入活動,Defender for Cloud Apps 只會呈現來自ActiveSync等舊版通訊協定的互動式登入活動和登入活動。 您可以在 Microsoft Entra 稽核記錄中檢視非互動式登入活動。 如果啟用 Office 應用程式,屬於 Microsoft 365 的群組也會從特定 Office 應用程式匯入至 Defender for Cloud Apps,例如,如果啟用 ...
s strengths in security and enable customers to empower every user with Power BI and better protect their data no matter how or where it is accessed. Classify and label sensitive Power BI data using the familiar Microsoft Information Protection sensitivity labels used in Office. Enforce governance...
擴展涵蓋範圍 透過適用於雲端的 Defender 偵測和回應在 Microsoft Azure、AWS、Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 和內部部署中執行的各種工作負載類型的網路威脅。更多有關本圖表的資訊 在適用於雲端的 Defender 中的雲端工作負載保護方案 在適用於雲端的 Defender 入口網站中,為您的資源提供適當的雲端工作負載保護方案...
Classify and label sensitive Power BI data using the familiar Microsoft Information Protection sensitivity labels used in Office. Enforce governance policies even when Power BI content is exported to Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF, to help ensure data is protected even when it leaves Power BI. Monitor ...