public Object Automation { get; } 属性值类型:System.Object.NET Framework 安全性对直接调用方的完全信任。此成员不能由部分信任的代码使用。有关更多信息,请参见通过部分受信任的代码使用库。请参见参考Button 类Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls 命名空间中文...
命名空間: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls 組件: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities (在 Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities.dll 中)語法C# 複製 public Object Automation { get; } 屬性值型別:System.Object.NET Framework 安全性...
public Object Automation { get; } 屬性值型別:System.Object.NET Framework 安全性完全信任立即呼叫者。這個成員無法供部分信任的程式碼使用。如需詳細資訊,請參閱從部分受信任程式碼使用程式庫。請參閱參考Label 類別Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls 命名空間中文...
If you work with tools not listed here, don't worry! Head to our app directory to search for the one you use. Do more with automation You don't have to spend your workday attached to your email or calendar. When you pair Microsoft Office 365 with Zapier, you can count on automatio...
publicObject Automation {get; } 属性值 类型:System.Object .NET Framework 安全性 对直接调用方的完全信任。此成员不能由部分信任的代码使用。有关更多信息,请参见通过部分受信任的代码使用库。 请参见 参考 TextBox 类 Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls 命名空间...
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Controls Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities.dll C# publicobjectAutomation {get; } Property Value Object Applies to ProduktVersiounen Visual Studio Tools for Office2017, 2019, 2022 An dësem Artikel ...
Called by the Visual Studio Tools for Office runtime to get an object that can be used by VBA code in the worksheet that is associated with a document-level project. C# 复制 public object GetAutomationObject (); Returns Object An object in a document-level customization that can be ...
To add a reference to the Visio Type Library by using Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Office XP or Office 2003, follow these steps: In Access, PowerPoint, Excel, or Word, point to Macros on the Tools menu, and then click Visual Basic Editor. ...
To add a reference to the Visio Type Library by using Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Office XP or Office 2003, follow these steps: In Access, PowerPoint, Excel, or Word, point to Macros on the Tools menu, and then click Visual Basic Editor. ...
Use Power Automate tools to automate processes across nearly unlimited systems, desktop apps, and websites using AI, digital, and robotic process automation.