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拥有有效学校电子邮件地址的学生可以免费获取 Microsoft Office 365 教育版。探索 Microsoft Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 等强大的工具,用于学习和发现。
Create collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learning communities, and communicate with school staff with the power of OneDrive, Teams, and more -- all from a single experience in Office 365 Education. CASE STUDY We then saw a major increase in student attendance once we had trained ...
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Get your Microsoft student discount Use your college or university email address to verify your student status and sign up to save over 50% on the regular price of Microsoft 365 Personal. You will continue to be charged the applicable monthly subscription fee unless you cancel in your ...
如果針對所有學生角色設定 isPrimary,即使與教職員角色的關聯存在,角色屬性值也會根據 Student Role 來建立。 如果為任何教職員角色設定 isPrimary,即使與學生角色的關聯存在,角色屬性值也會根據教職員角色來設定。 如果同時為教職員和學生角色設定 isPrimary,則會根據 Staff 角色來設定角色屬性值。 如果未針對任何角色...
使用Microsoft 365 時,可以獲得寬廣的雲端儲存空間、資料和裝置設計的進階安全性,以及具有 AI 功能的強大生產力和創意應用程式1:購買一個方案,就可實現這一切。 立即購買 年付型 月付型 適合2 到 6 人的超值方案 Microsoft 365 家用版 NT$4,190.00/年 ...
Get your Microsoft student discount Use your college or university email address to verify your student status and sign up to save over 50% on the regular price of Microsoft 365 Personal. You will continue to be charged the applicable monthly subscription fee unless you ...