購買一個方案,即可享有 Microsoft 365 個人版的 1 TB 雲端儲存空間、進階安全功能及創新應用程式。 一人使用 可同時在多達 5 部裝置上使用 可在PC、Mac、iPhone、iPad 和 Android 手機和平板電腦上運作 1 TB (1,000 GB) 的安全雲端儲存空間 具有離線存取和進階功能的 Word、Excel、P...
Microsoft 365 家庭版 ¥498.00/年 立即购买 或按如下价格购买: ¥50.00/月 免费试用 1 个月 Microsoft 365 个人版 ¥398.00/年 立即购买 或按如下价格购买: ¥39.00/月 Office 家庭和学生版 2021 一次性购买,可在 PC 或 Mac 上使用 立即购买 ...
Microsoft 365 Family $99.99/year Buy now Or buy at $9.99/month Try free for 1 month Microsoft 365 Personal $69.99/year Buy now Or buy at $6.99/month Office Home 2024 One-time purchase for PC or Mac $149.99 Buy now Microsoft 365 Family ...
Microsoft 365 Family $99.99/year Buy now Or buy at $9.99/month Try free for 1 month Microsoft 365 Personal $69.99/year Buy now Or buy at $6.99/month Office Home 2024 One-time purchase for PC or Mac $149.99 Buy now Microsoft 365 Family ...
Microsoft 365 个人版作为一款一体化计划,可提供 1 TB 的云存储空间、高级安全功能和创新型应用。 仅限一人使用 最多可在 5 台设备上同时使用 适用于 PC、Mac、iPhone、iPad 以及 Android 手机和平板电脑 1 TB (1,000 GB) 安全云存储空间 具有离线访问和高级功能的 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 OneNote ...
「Office 365個人版」 (Office 365 Personal) 是專為個人設計的訂閱模式,可以安裝Office在1台PC或MAC,再加上一台平板電腦,定價為69.99美元/年或6.99美元/月。除了介紹「Office 365個人版」,原本的「Office 365 家用進階版」(Office 365 Home Premium) 將更名為「Office 365 家用版」(Office 365 Home),而這個...
Microsoft 365 Personal 12 month auto-renewing subscription 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Microsoft Office 365 个人版 12月订阅 84.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
Personal Package Other pricing plans, like Microsoft 365 Family and Office 365 Business, are available. If you don't want to pay a Microsoft Office price lifetime, then you can choose the monthly option. But did you know there's free and powerful Office software called WPS Office? You shou...
How can I renew Microsoft 365 Personal with the Office 365 Service price going forward? When you're ready to renew Microsoft 365 Personal, follow the steps atRenew Microsoft 365. There is no change to the price at this time. Be sure to follow the recommended renewal...
When you're ready to renew Microsoft 365 Personal, follow the steps atRenew Microsoft 365. There is no change to the price at this time. Be sure to follow the recommended renewal method at office.com/renew and use the same Microsoft account already associated with your existing sub...