你可以继续运行 32 位 Microsoft 365 中的 32 位近年,如Microsoft Mscomctl.ocx、comctl.ocx,或任何现有第三方 32 位控件。 你的VBA 代码使用 Declare 语句大多数 VBA 代码在 64 位或 32 位中使用时不需要更改,除非你使用 Declare 语句为指针和控点调用使用长整型等 32 位数据类型的 Windows API。 ...
Declare PtrSafe Function RegOpenKeyA Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal Key As LongPtr, ByVal SubKey As String, NewKey As LongPtr) As Long 请注意,没有 PtrSafe 属性的 Declare 语句被认定为与 64 位版 Office 不兼容。有以下两个条件编译常量:VBA7 和Win64。 为...
您正在使用 Outlook、Excel 或其他 Office 應用程式的載入宏。 32 位應用程式雖然可以搭配載入宏使用,但可以用盡系統可用的虛擬位址空間。 使用 64 位應用程式,您最多可有 128 TB 的虛擬位址空間,應用程式和執行相同程式的任何載入宏都可以共用。 使用 32 位應用程式時,您可能會獲得最少 2 GB 的虛擬...
Here are four things you need to consider when you decide whether to deploy a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Office 2010. 1. What Operating System are your users running? The 64-bit version of Office 2010 can only be installed on a 64-bit version of Windows, whereas the 32-bit version...
Here are four things you need to consider when you decide whether to deploy a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Office 2010. 1. What Operating System are your users running? The 64-bit version of Office 2010 can only be installed on a 64-bit version of Windows, whereas the 32-bit version...
安装64 位 Access Database Engine 和 32 位 Office 的步骤: 打开注册表编辑器(在“开始”菜单下的 Windows 搜索框中键入 regedit然后选择regedit.exe)。 转到注册表项: For MS Database engine 2010: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\...
介绍32 位和 64 位版本的 Microsoft Office 2010 将32 位系统与 64 位系统进行比较 介绍VBA 7 基本代码 ActiveX 控件和 COM 加载项兼容性 显示另外 5 个 **摘要:**针对处理 2GB 或更多数据的客户,Microsoft Office 2010 现在作为 64 位版本提供。本文讨论有关 32 位版本与新的 64 位版本和旧的 32 位 ...
My client is moving from 64 bit windows with 32 bit Office 2011 to 64 bit windows and 64 bit Office 2016.Their Access app has a ton of API function calls. I want to make sure the declarations work for either 32 bit or 64 bit Office.I see ton of examples using the VBA7 compiler ...
MS Excel 32-bit or 64-bit is displayed. YourApp32.exe Requires 32-bit Excel 2007 or later YourApp64.exe Requires 64-bit Excel How to Install Office 32 or 64 Bit Many users install Microsoft Excel with an Office 365 subscription. Up until late 2018, 32-bit Office was installed by...
Since 2019, Windows users have had to choose between 32 bit vs 64 bit Office. If you work with this system, you are probably aware of these two forms. But can you tell the difference? Owners of other operating systems do not need to think about bits at all. Is it really necessary to...