id=49117下载完是一个名为 officedeploymenttool_11023-33600.exe (随时间的变化,后面的编号可能更改...
Office 部署工具可从Microsoft下载中心免费下载。 建议始终下载并使用最新版本的 ODT。 下载Office 部署工具后,双击 officedeploymenttool 可执行文件 (.exe) 文件以提取 ODT 文件。 完成后,应有多个文件:setup.exe 和一些示例 configuration.xml 文件。 有关特定于 Office 2019 的示例,请参阅用于 Office 部署工具的...
您可以在 Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2016 (Machine)\Updates 下找到此原則設定。 If enabled, this Group Policy setting takes precedence over theChannelvalue set by using the Office Deployment Tool. 允許的值:...
Office Deployment Tool The Office Deployment Tool (ODT) is a command-line tool that you can use to download and deploy Click-to-Run versions of Office, such as Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, to your client computers. 02 Microsoft Power BI Desktop Microsoft Power BI Desktop is built for...
首先官网下载 Office Deployment Tool (ODT),如果不幸已经安装了全家桶,可以使用官方卸载工具先卸载再安装。点击download即可下载ODT。 部署工具很小,才3M多一点,接下来打开这个工具,选择Continue后再选择一个路径,即可导出必要文件。 我系统是64位的,打开configuration-Office365-x64.xml ...
You can find this policy setting under Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2016 (Machine)\Updates. If enabled, this Group Policy setting takes precedence over the Channel value set by using the Office Deployment Tool.Allowed values:...
Has anyone experienced a problem with installing Office 2019 where you are using the Office Deployment Tool with a configuration file and the installation is hanging at 2%? Below is my configuration file: <Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="PerpetualVL2019" > ...
InPartner Center, browse to the entry for Office 2019. Switch theOS Typedropdown to32/64 bit You should now see a download link for the Office 2019 Deployment Tool Run the downloaded deployment tool, specifying a folder in a temporary directory when asked to do so ...
适用于: Microsoft Office Deployment Tool 反馈 Microsoft 365 和 Microsoft 365 部署中的 Office 部署工具支持以下产品 ID:O365ProPlusRetail O365BusinessRetail VisioProRetail ProjectProRetail AccessRuntimeRetail LanguagePack有关使用这些与 Office 部署工具相关的产品 ID 的详细信息,请参阅 Office 部署...
Office Deployment Tool The Office Deployment Tool (ODT) is a command-line tool that you can use to download and deploy Click-to-Run versions of Office, such as Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, to your client computers. Important! Selecting a language below will dynamically change the complete...