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Windows: A family of Microsoft operating systems that run across personal computers, tablets, laptops, phones, internet of things devices, self-contained mixed reality headsets, large collaboration screens, and other devices. Hardware Performance: Deliv
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ประกาศว่า Windows 11 เวอร์ชัน 21H2 (Enterprise & Education) ถึงจุดสิ้นสุดของการอัปเดต
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public: static property Microsoft::VisualStudio::Imaging::Interop::ImageMoniker Pull { Microsoft::VisualStudio::Imaging::Interop::ImageMoniker get(); }; Property Value ImageMoniker Applies to ผลิตภัณฑ์เวอร์ชัน Visual Studio SDK 2019, 2022 ใ...
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Media Foundation H.264 视频解码器是一种媒体基础转换,支持解码基线、主配置文件和高配置文件,最高级别为 5.1。 H.264 视频解码器公开以下接口。 Windows 8) 支持ICodecAPI( IMFGetService IMFQualityAdvise IMFQualityAdvise2 IMFRateControl IMFRateSupport ...
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