1、首先需要安装 mini-KMS_Activator_v1.2 2、运行 并重启KMS服务 此时需要注意的是可能需要关闭防火墙,并保证电脑处于联网状态(为了模拟KMS服务器) 3、已管理员身份打开CMD 4、找到Office15的安装地址,并依次进行如下工作: A、cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15 (cd后为你office的安装目录) B、cscr...
Windows XP/Vista 最高安装 Office 2010,Windows 7/8.0 最高安装 MSO Office 2016 或 C2R Office 2016 的 2002 版(包含 2020 年 02 月以前所有每月更新的版本),通过Office Tool Plus可安装 Office 2019 或 Office 365 的 2002 版(后面详细介绍 Office Tool Plus),Windows 8.1 最高安装 MSO Office 2016 或...
Activating Office 2013 using a KMS activator has a simple solution, but the steps might be a bit complicated for first-time users. However, if you follow our guide step by step, you can easily activate Microsoft Office 2013 on your system in just a few steps, here's what you would need...
1 01.从网上下载HEU_KMS_Activator软件,具体HEU_KMS_Activator_v7.8.6软件,如图 2 02.解压之后,找到下面这个文件——HEU_KMS_Activator_v7.8.6 3 03.以“管理员身份运行”HEU_KMS_Activator_v7.8.6软件 4 04.运行HEU_KMS_Activator_v7.8.6软件之后,界面如图 5 05.点击“激活office2013VL”这个按...
The most advanced version of Microsoft Toolkit is V3.1.1, with more advanced features and can activate the latest software. It offers new, improved activation methods, such as enhanced KMS or EZ-Activator features. It has an improved discovery of the Office Click button in this version, and ...
Microsoft Office 2013 Activator Key Management Service commonly known as KMS is a set of tools. It mainly helps to manage and maintain the Windows system. In addition to that, it works online and offline. KMS supports users in accessing their license, and it is even supportive to most of ...
MicrosoftOffice2013KMS激活方法可用激活 1、首先需要安装 HEU_KMS_Activator_v7.8.8或者 mini-KMS_Activator_v1.2 2、运行并重启KMS服务 此时需要注意的是可能需要关闭防火墙,并保证电脑处于联网状态(为了模拟KMS服务器) 3、已管理员身份打开CMD 4、找到Office15的安装地址,并依次进行如下工作: ...
filings_with_data.profndraising integer 専門家の資金調達手数料です。 非課税公債債務 - EOY (年度末) filings_with_data.txexmptbndsend integer EOY (年度末) の非課税公債債務です。 担保付き抵当権と支払手形 - EOY (年度末) filings_with_data.secrdmrtgsend integer EOY (年度末) 担保付...
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 Free Product Key AKSJU-BHGST-29QIU-VNJKS-DJUWY AKSIU-ASDLK-IUY7T-667GF-ANSJH Also, take a look: Windows 8 / 8.1 Activator 32/64 Bit Windows 8 Pro product key Windows 8.1 Pro Product Key ...
1、 解压下载来的压缩文件,双击HEU_KMS_Activator_30.3.0.exe,注意: 激活软件可能会被windows安全中心(即windows defender)误杀,如果这样,那就进windows安全中心允许 2、在这个页面点击“是” 3、稍后,在主界面点击“激活”,注意:下面“激活Office”、“Office R2V”、“kms自动续期”一定要启用,其他随意 4、过一...