研究人员最近发现了一些恶意的Microsoft Office文件,这些文件试图利用合法网站MediaFire和Blogger执行shell脚本,然后释放Agent Tesla和njRat的两个恶意变体。Agent Tesla是一款著名的监视软件,首次发现于2014年,它可以从web浏览器、邮件客户端和FTP服务器中窃取个人数据,收集屏幕截图和视频,并收集剪贴板数据。njRat(也称为Bl...
https://www.mediafire.com/file/xcdj342agruzjk5 该补丁针对的主要是win7操作系统版本,主要的修复...
Other efforts simply clear the cells and gains no advantage. My free 'Professional_Compare' workbook includes a 'Clean Data' utility that does the above and more. Download from MediaFire(no ads)... http://www.mediafire.com/folder/lto3hbhyq0hcf/Documents...
MediaFire FastStone Capture 9.1 Ai Picture Utility 8.9 Free VPN 1 ProShow Producer 9.0.3797 WebCam Monitor 6.24 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 Update 221 Bus Driver 1.5 RecordPad Sound Recorder 8.01 Talisman Online 2015 FLV Downloader Pro 6.12.15 NetInfo 8.9 Visual FoxPro 6.0 Set...
MediaFire FastStone Capture 9.1 Ai Picture Utility 8.9 Free VPN 1 ProShow Producer 9.0.3797 WebCam Monitor 6.24 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 Update 221 Bus Driver 1.5 RecordPad Sound Recorder 8.01 Talisman Online 2015 FLV Downloader Pro 6.12.15 NetInfo 8.9 Visual FoxPro 6.0 Set...
i also need help...i can't open my document, here is the link of my file:www.mediafire.comif someone managed to recover it, please email me at maimaicomputer@yahoo.com thanks in advance. Anonymous February 25, ...
You might want to try the free 'Professional_Compare' workbook. A cell by cell comparison Or an each row to all rows comparison (between two worksheets). Download from MediaFire (no ads)...http://www.mediafire.com/folder/lto3hbhyq0hcf/Documents...
is it ok?www.mediafire.comim currently downloading the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7. is that the one you were talking about? the 100+mb Anonymous June 26, 2011 The system update tool did not work:( Anonymous June 27, 2011 The comment has been removed Anonymous June ...
与 Endnote 等不同的是,它既可以单独使用,也可以内嵌于 Firefox 与 Google 浏览器等环境下使用。随着...
Also if you need any screenshots, there are plenty in the extension 7Z archive under /Gallery (the Office Ribbon one is my favorite) Thanks! Anonymous June 20, 2013 This image isn't showing for me. Anonymous July 18, 2014 Please is there any feature in IO Extensions that allows for the...