新一代的Microsoft Office2003使用“信息检索”功能,可以在word 2003、Excel 2003、Outlook 2003、PowerPoint 2003和Publisher 2003中进行翻译。它使用本地与联机双语词典和网上机器翻译来提供翻译服务。下面笔者以Microsoft officeword 2003为例介绍Microsoft office2003的翻译服务功能,如果你还没有使用过,希望能对你有所...
Microsoft® Office Word 2003 Summary: Preview the new features and enhancements, such as smart tag improvements, Document Workspace sites, range permissions, style lockdown, reading mode and other features in the latest version of Word, Word 2003. (11 printed pages) ...
Word 2003 is an XML solution development platform allowing developers to build powerful structured Word documents and templates that leverage XML to capture information from end users' input. End users can continue to enjoy all the rich editing features that they expect, like auto correct, spell ch...
首先,如果无法安装Office或者卸载Office出现问题,使用微软官方工具卸载(卸载更干净): http://www./a/office/word/20101204/24507.html 以下为office2003、2007都是最新完整版本,任选其一,安装后即可使用: 一Microsoft Office 2003 龙卷风 Microsoft Office 2003 SP3 简体中文免激活版: ...
1 打开Microsoft Office 2003 Word。2 进入Microsoft Office 2003 Word界面。3 方法一:用鼠标直接选中想要的文本。4 方法二:当光标变成如图状态时,点击可选中一行。5 方法三:跳行选中。先选中需要的一行,按住ctrl键,再选中其他需要的行。6 方法四:整段选取。在段首双击鼠标即可。7 方法五:矩形框的选中,...
For more information on these and other new and updated features of Word 2003, see the articles Microsoft Office Word 2003 Preview (Part 1 of 2) and Microsoft Office Word 2003 Preview (Part 2 of 2).A number of new properties, methods, and objects have also been added to the Word ...
1、首先打开WORD文档之后,文档会弹出安装组件的提示,需要点击安装之后文档才能正常使用。2、此时可以按照以下的路径将文件打开,C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller,找到 Setupa文件,将 Setupa文件后面的后缀名修改为"SETUPa.EXE"。文件路径不一定正确,需要...
microsoft office 2003是office系列办公软件之一,算的上是一个比较老的版本了,但是很多朋友都在问office2003在哪下载?本专题就是为大家解决这个问题的,office2003各种版本都有。office2003包括了word 2003、excel 2003、powerpoint 2003、access 2003、project 2003、visio 2003等组件,功能非常全面,赶快走去吧! 点击进入...
Summary: Use the new XML features of the Microsoft Office Word 2003 object model to manipulate files with code. Among other possibilities, the XML-based capabilities of Word allow you to harness the power of XSLT to transform document content into whatever format you need. You can apply the...