定义_WIN64 时,新的 ODBC 类型 SQLLEN 和 SQLULEN 在 ODBC 头文件中定义为 INT64 和 UINT64。 ODBC 中的多个函数声明为采用指针参数。 在 32 位 ODBC 中,定义为指针的参数通常用于根据调用上下文传递整数值或指向缓冲区的指针。 当然,这可能是因为指针和整数的大小相同。 而在 64 位 Windows 中,情况并非如...
Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};server=localhost;database=WideWorldImporters;trusted_connection=Yes; 在“选择数据源”页或“选择目标”页上的“ConnectionString”字段中输入连接字符串。 输入连接字符串后,向导会分析该字符串,并在列表中显示各个属性及其值。
Odbcad32.exe文件的 32 位版本位于%systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64文件夹中。 Odbcad32.exe文件的 64 位版本位于%systemdrive%\Windows\System32文件夹中。 Odbcad32.exe文件显示以下类型的数据源名称(DSN): 系统DSN 用户DSN 症状1 32 位版本的 ODBC 管理器工具显示 32 位系统 DSN、32 位用户 ...
Download Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server (ARM64) Note Use the x86 installer for 32-bit machines, or the x64 installer to install both 64-bit and 32-bit drivers on a 64-bit machine. Version information Release number: ...
I have been searching odbc driver for almost a month, yet I didn't find anywhere. Our Business application team requested to install odbc driver for excel (64bit) because they want to the transfer data between Microsoft Office files such as Microsoft Office Excel 2010 (*.xls, *.xlsx, and...
ODBC is one of the most established APIs for connecting to and working with databases. Microsoft® Hive ODBC Driver provides HiveQL access from ODBC based applications to HDInsight Apache Hadoop Hive. This driver is available for both 32 and 64 bit Windows platform. ...
下載Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server (x86) 下載Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server (ARM64) 注意 針對32 位機器使用 x86 安裝程式,或 x64 安裝程式在 64 位機器上安裝 64 位和 32 位驅動程式。 版本資訊 版本號碼: 發行日期:2024 年 7 月 31 日 ...
Im facing a issue when using excel as source in non-microsoft product. its windows server 2003 sp2 (64 bit) enviroment. Only i need to create a DSN for excel, but i couldn't. Tthere is no excel driver listed in odbc driver list. Do i have to install 64 bit odbc driver for...
Can't uninstall ODBC driver completely 80020009 error when you retrieve data Can't correctly translate character data Check for MDAC version Error when you use client cursor to add record Fail to run a large batch of SQL statements ODBC Admin displays 32 bit and 64 bit user DSNs ...
As you said, Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 is not supported for 64-bit OS. Also, currently Office 2007 System Driver is not support 64-bit OS either. However, I think the 64-bit OLEDB Provider for ODBC might be helpful to you: http://blogs.msdn.com/dat...