下载 setupnvme.exe Windows Server 2012 family*, Windows Server 2012 R2 family*, Windows 8 family*, Windows* 8.1, Windows Server 2019 family*, Windows Server 2016 family*, Windows 10* 大小:5.5 MB SHA1:BB82200690A06F429225B5985AEBA460965F8B97 下载 dc_64bit_driver_only...
Startup type: Manual Display name: Microsoft Standard NVM Express Driver Service name: stornvme Service type: kernel Error control: critical Group: SCSI Miniport Path: %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\stornvme.sys Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme...
MS NVMe Hotfixes KB2990941-v3 and KB3087873-v2 for Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2. availible here. KB2990941-v3 contains the actual driver - stornvme v6.1.7601.18615. KB3125574 contains stornvme v6.1.7601.23403. i checked with snappy driver installer, there isnt a later driver avail...
StorNVMe (stornvme.sys) is the system-supplied storage miniport driver that provides access to high-speed NVMe devices. It's available starting in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.The following articles outline the NVMe support that StorNVMe provides for Windows 10 version 1903 and later...
I have just put together a new computer on which I installed Windows 10 via a bootable USB key (provided by Windows a few years ago) on a Samsung 980 Pro nvme SSD. The installation went smoothly and I accessed the desktop normally but when the PC was shut down and restarted,...
I'd like to enable DMA remapping for PCIe NVMe SSD. According to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/pci/enabling-dma-remapping-for-device-drivers I need to edit INF file for the corresponding driver. which driver to edit INF… ...
使用Microsoft PnP 实用工具安装磁盘固件更新 INF。 例如,在管理员命令提示符中,键入pnputil /add-driver .\StorFwUpdateIHV.inf /install。 以管理员身份打开 PowerShell 窗口。 键入Get-PhysicalDisk | Get-StorageFirmwareInformation,以查看更新后的 NVMe 磁盘固件信息。
NVMe 2.0 (Caps) ZNS– Zoned Namespace Command Set Specification 1.1a, July 23, 2021 StorNVMe Supported – Indicates support in the StorNVMe device driver on Windows 10 version 1903 and later. Comments – Any extra relevant information; for example, whether supported as part of an IOCTL opera...
Windows 10 概要 非易失性内存高速 (NVMe) 是一种规范的 Solid-State 驱动器 (SSD)。如果 Windows 10 NVMe 驱动器,您创建恢复驱动器上安装,当您尝试使用该恢复驱动器不可用"恢复从驱动器"选项。其他恢复选项,如重置和系统还原,将仍可使用。 详细信息 ...
使用Thunderbolt 固态 Disk (SSD)时,Windows 10 版本2004或 Windows 10 版本20H2 中发现了不兼容性问题。 在受影响的设备上插入 Thunderbolt 的 NVMe,可能会收到蓝屏错误,显示蓝屏,"DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VIOLATION (e6)验证的驱动程序试图执行非法的 DMA 操作。"受影响的 Windows 10 设备将至少有一个 Thunderbol...