Azure Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces 语法和属性,用于在 Azure 资源管理器模板中部署资源。 API 版本最新
Service: Notification Hubs API Version: 2023-09-01 檢查命名空間中指定 notificationHub 的可用性。 HTTP 複製 試試看 POST{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/{namespaceName}/checkNotificationHub...
public class Notifications { public static Notifications Instance = new Notifications(); public NotificationHubClient Hub { get; set; } private Notifications() { Hub = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString("<your hub's DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature>", "<hub name>"); ...
Learn about Azure Notification Hubs. Send push notifications to iOS, Android, Windows, or Kindle from any backend. Easier mobile app development.
(--lia-bs-white)","imageAssetName":"","imageLastModified":"0","origin":null,"position":"CENTER_CENTER","repeat":"NO_REPEAT","size":"COVER","__typename":"BackgroundProps"},"backgroundOpacity":0.8,"paddingTop":"15px","paddingBottom":"15px","borderBottom":"1px solid var(--lia-...
BrowserCredential NotificationHub BrowserCredential 的说明。 BrowserCredentialProperties NotificationHub BrowserCredential 的说明。 createdByType 创建资源的标识类型。 ErrorAdditionalInfo 资源管理错误附加信息。 ErrorDetail 错误详细信息。 ErrorResponse 错误响应 GcmCredential NotificationHub GcmCredential 的说明。...
Notification Hubs eliminate one major complexity: you do not have to manage the challenges of push notifications. Instead, you can use a Notification Hub. Notification Hubs use a full multiplatform, scaled-out push notification infrastructure, and considerably reduce the push-specific code that runs ...
A notification hub contains one credential for each supported platform. This level of security enables the hub to send push notifications to a single app for each platform (in case of APNs, only to one of the environments,SandboxProduction). Also, a notification hub provides a context for secu...